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Health Posters

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Health Art

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Health education posters are used widely in classrooms and other educational venues. These health images are generally informational in nature and serve to illustrate important health issues such as hygiene, exercise, nutrition, and other health-related topics.

The use of health visual aids to reinforce ideas about hygiene is a common practice in public and private educational institutions. These hygiene pictures are typically whimsical in depiction and suitable for any age. A good example of this form of illustrated hygiene prints are 'Stomach Bug' and 'Flu and Cold' which encourage students of all ages to wash their hands after using the bathroom or sneezing. These hygiene visual aids are useful for attracting attention to important concepts that could be overlooked otherwise.
Nutritional illustrations are a useful tool for anyone interested in learning or teaching about nutritional foods. These health education posters highlight necessary vitamins, minerals, and food groups that promote a healthy body. Works such as 'Vitamins' take advantage of the illustrative qualities of these posters to relay what foods provide necessary vitamins. However, the most common form of these nutritional posters is the nutritional pyramid, which shows the different food groups.

Many health education posters serve as either motivational tools or as warnings against negative behaviors. These health visual aids are more effective than print alone and can reveal information through images that wouldn't be immediately apparent otherwise. For example, in the health education image, 'Your Brain' warns of the dangers of drugs, even ones that might seem relatively harmless.
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