Vintage cigar art are unique advertisement posters that became highly popular during the 1940's and 50's. These works were considered highly fashionable prints and have experienced a resurgence in popularity among modern art audiences. These works are widely considered some of the most fascinating examples of pop art images in advertising.
Many works of vintage cigar art were considered fashionable prints. These smoking pictures, like 'Woman Smoking' and 'Modiano, 1935' by Franz Lenhart helped to influence other pop art images and movements, most specifically art deco. These works are highly focused on composition and rely on relatively few colors to illustrate the image.
These smoking pictures were highly influenced by the modern pop art movement. These pop art images often contain some form of typography. However, instead of explaining or providing additional clarity to the image, these works often highlight the name of a company or an ideal. This approach was extremely popular with unique advertisement posters during this time and relied on a 'less is more' approach.
Vintage cigar art is collected widely by modern art enthusiasts for both its historical relevance and its interior design opportunities. These unique advertisement posters are often used in both professional and personal venues. Because of the luxurious feel of these works, vintage cigar art is often seen in areas that focus on luxury or personal enjoyment, such as studies, dens, cafes, bars, and restaurants.