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Ellie Freudenstein Wall Art

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6 Items
Morning Bloom Fine Art Print
Morning Bloom
20" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $44.99
Spring Days Fine Art Print
Spring Days
12" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $32.99
Spring Trails Fine Art Print
Spring Trails
20" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $44.99
Garden Path Fine Art Print
Garden Path
12" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $32.99
Vineyards to Mount St. Helena Fine Art Print
Vineyards to Mount St. Helena
20" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $44.99
Vineyards to Vaca Mountains Fine Art Print
Vineyards to Vaca Mountains
20" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $44.99
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6 Items
Ellie Freudenstein holds a Bachelor in Fine Arts Degree from the University of California at Los Angeles. She’s an award winning artist whose paintings have a wonderful sense of color and movement. Ellie is noted for her studio oil and plein-air paintings which both convey the same feeling of spontaneity. Ellie has received numerous awards including “best of Show”, “art walk” and “First Place” at the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum, indoor show and at the Gold Coast Watercolor Society in 1997 respectively. Most recently, she exhibited her work at many Museums and Gallery Shows all over California, showing her colorful and wonderful California desert scenes and landscapes. Ellie is a member of Oil Painters of America, the California Art Club, and Women Artists of the West. Being a gifted painter, Ellie is considered as a modern landscape master. She has won over fans with her colorful and lush creations. An exciting and vibrant palette lends each of her nature-inspired images a larger-than-life Juiciness that’s immediately entrancing.

Ellie has been a judge at Goleta Art Association, Step One Gallery Exhibit, Carpentaria, and Maritime Museum, Ventura. Her name appears in the Who's Who in American Art. She has held numerous demonstrations and workshops throughout California. Her art is in the collections of Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Hollister Collection, Santa Barbara Historical Society, David Zukor Productions, Hollywood, The Norma Dupper Collection, San Francisco, Transamerica Life, San Francisco, Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, Westcap Investors Inc, Los Angeles, Barbie Benton Collection, Aspen, Select Personnel Services, Santa Barbara, The Larry Hammett Collection, Santa Barbara, Mark & Ann Massana Collection, Pasadena, Cynthia Wood Foundation, and many more.
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