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Alec Parker Art Prints

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8 Items
Bull Run Fine Art Print
Bull Run
24" x 25"
Price: $50.99
Marketplace Fine Art Print
24" x 25"
Price: $50.99
Daily Business Fine Art Print
Daily Business
24" x 25"
Price: $50.99
Marketplace Fine Art Print
12" x 12"
Price: $29.99
Daily Business P1036 Fine Art Print
Daily Business P1036
12" x 12"
Price: $29.99
Bull Run Fine Art Print
Bull Run
12" x 12"
Price: $29.99
Zone Fine Art Print
12" x 12"
Price: $29.99
Venue Fine Art Print
12" x 12"
Price: $29.99
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8 Items
Alec Parker was born and raised in Meridian, Mississippi, where his earliest influences came from the surrounding, textured landscapes. He sketched from an early age using charcoals and a large drawing pad given to him by his mother on his sixth birthday. As he began to focus on acrylic, figural painting during his last two years in high school, he was rewarded with Best in Show at a regional, juried show. Accepting a full scholarship in the fine arts, Alec attended the University of Georgia where, in reaction to the realist landscapes of his youth, he became deeply interested in Picasso, Braque, and the Cubist movement. Alec successfully continues to pursue his artistic career today, and his paintings have been exhibited in New York and across the Southeast.
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