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Amaya Bucheli Wall Art

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Splattered Moons Fine Art Print
Splattered Moons
18" x 25"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $54.99
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Amaya Bucheli loved art from her childhood and she knew that she would become an artist. Today, she’s a teenage artist who is ready to conquer the world. Amaya is passionate about creating and sharing her art through many types of media and through YouTube channel. She started doing artwork when she was a child. However, she started her journey to becoming a professional artist in her early teens. Today, she’s become a top selling artist with loyal collectors from around the world. Amaya’s collectors have followed her journey through fantastical artistic trips. Her art collections can be found on licensed products including gift items and home décor. They are found in the offices and homes of thousands of private collectors all over the world. She loves the painting process and the challenge and the results which in most cases are abstract unexpected.

The subject matter and printing process are the 2 key points that drive her work. In her painting process, carefully done, heavyweight, elegant stock is treated with several layers of paints to match shades of the subject chosen. Her art has become a common feature in many homes around the world. Her art is very much influenced by nature and she produces them in a manner that appeals to viewers from all walks of life. Amaya’s arts can, therefore, be used to decorate and space. Her pieces have found their way into many galleries and homes all over the world. She’s an experienced artist, that’s why she’s able to produce art that viewers can easily associate with.
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