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Yuriy Priymak/Stocktrek Images Wall Art

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26 Items
Styracosaurus in a forest Fine Art Print
Styracosaurus in a forest
24" x 32"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $88.99
Velociraptor, white background Fine Art Print
Velociraptor, white background
24" x 34"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $89.99
Velociraptor, White Background Fine Art Print
Velociraptor, White Background
18" x 26"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $54.99
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26 Items
Yuriy Priymak is a digital artist based in Russia. He specializes mainly on prehistoric animal artwork and more. His work has been featured in galleries, streets and editorials both nationally and internationally. His fellow artists have noted that his method of producing art is somewhat unique because he makes the viewers feel as if they have actually seen the animals he’s representing. His personal work is enigmatic and often specific in subject matter. They contain graphic images which are used, or made to feel old in nature. Priymak is keen to detail, and will not let anything pass without his notice. He picks the simple things that are often ignored by many artists. This has made his art to have a distinctive and recognizable look. He has produced numerous pieces of art that have found their way onto some of the most esteemed spaces in the world.

From childhood on, Priymak has been fascinated by historic objects and personalities, and spellbound by the quixotic glamour of timeless Russia. The artist likes to think his work takes the viewer on a tumultuous journey to an enchanting place and leaving the viewer yearning for more. Priymak is an extraordinary artist who creates evocative, marvelous art that are as beautiful as they are captivating. He has always had a connection with the past and he’s certain this seed was planted by whom he interacted with in his childhood. They introduced him to the world and to most of the things unknown to many today. He’s represented by Stocktrek Images, a leading stock photo agency in the world.
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