Chuck Haney travels widely across America in pursuit of the most intriguing and finest images. She is a professional freelance videographer, writer, photographer based in the Rocky Mountains in Whitefish, Montana. She uses natural light provocatively in landscape work along with birds, wildlife and outdoor sports images. This has drawn to him national acclaim and has landed her many assignments with companies, travel bureaus and leading publications. Her philosophy has always been to shoot what she enjoys doing personally and has that passionate feeling reflected in all her images. Chuck actively participates in the sports that she shoots. She has an energetic lifestyle where she paddles, bikes, skis and hikes and just explores the world in which she resides.
These activities give her interesting subjects to record and allow her to experiment with forward-looking styles and keep her motivation fresh. She is therefore able to interpret the people and the land that they inhabit with a distinct vision. Having that individual look, for her, is what turns her on about photography the most. Chuck says that due to all the rapid technological changes, she’s now able to capture images that she could have only imagined to take just a few years ago. She loves being able to have an image in her mind, and then being able to make it come to reality both technically and artistically and then have absolute control of how the image is later displayed either in a publication or as a fine art print or displayed on the web.