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Andres Morya Hinojosa / Danita Delimont Wall Art

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9 Items
Lemur, Madagascar Fine Art Print
Lemur, Madagascar
28" x 19"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $69.99
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9 Items
Andres Morya Hinojosa is a biologist and photographer based in Switzerland. He specializes in High Speed Nature Photography, Wildlife, Insects in Flight, Travel, Tribal and Indigenous Cultures Photography and Natural History. Since his youth, he’s always been fascinated by the natural world and its diversity. Hinojosa grew up with a sense of curiosity for the outdoors, fed by a television diet of documentaries of Attenborough David and Félix Rodríguez, and inspired by the books of Henri Jean Fabre. When he joined the University, he worked in many areas in zoology such as ornithology, entomology, Arachnology and herpetology. Among these, the taxonomic study of the scorpions of Chile stands out. Hinojosa has been working with different organizations and institutions such as the Natural History Museum, the National Forestry Corporation, the National Museum of Natural History, the Committee for the Defense of the Flora and Fauna, Birdlife International, Zoological Society of London, the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Chile, and The World Conservation Union.

His work is currently represented by Visuals Unlimited, Danita Delimont Stock Photography (United States of America), Photographers Direct (United Kingdom) and Getty Images. Some of his clients include Wildernesstravel, Sierra, Rough Guides, Geo, WWF, National Geographic, Scholastic AG, Methanex, Handbook of the Birds of the World, Voyageurpress, Threatened Amphibians of the World, among others. His images are now in many collections, galleries and homes around the world. The artist believes that learning a continuous process and it’s the only way that an artist can improve his/her art.
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