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Jennifer White Wall Art

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6 Items
Enlightenment I Fine Art Print
Enlightenment I
11" x 14"
Price: $19.99
Enlightenment II Fine Art Print
Enlightenment II
24" x 24"
Price: $54.99
Enlightenment II Fine Art Print
Enlightenment II
11" x 14"
Price: $19.99
Devotion Fine Art Print
24" x 24"
Price: $54.99
Devotion Fine Art Print
11" x 14"
Price: $19.99
Affirmation Fine Art Print
24" x 24"
Price: $54.99
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6 Items
Jennifer White is a multi-talented artist with skills such as Drawing, Painting, Digital Compositing, Photography, Videography, Digital Imaging, Sound Recording, Editing, Directing, Sound Design, Photoshop, After Effects, Adobe Premier, Illustrator, Animate Pro, Dreamweaver, Soundbooth, Final Cut, Audacity, Logic, Maya 2011, Sonar, Microsoft Word, Quickbooks, HTML, PowerPoint, and CSS. Her preferred mediums are Multi-Media / Experimental art, Painting and Photography. In her work, she layers multitudes of thin transparent mediums. She then throws things together excitedly and later spends long hours scrupulously going over details with a microscope. Jennifer is concerned with bringing out almost barely discernible phenomena that occur by chance, and she controls the larger gestures that sweep across the surface of the medium. She doesn’t desire to control the outcome but works with it.

This means she creates an environment where everything stands alone, but is never the product of only itself. Transience, progression, repression, permanence, healing, rebuilding and decay: these forces work together and also work against each other are what Jennifer sees in life and that is what she tries to translate into her art. She says that every line's weight and shape has an emotion, a thought, and a story behind it. She adds that every image is considered for how it looks and works with the shapes and lines, both emotionally and visually. Where she used to be mainly concerned with letting go negative emotions through her art, she’s evolving into a process of working as a meditation and she hopes also as a healing process.
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