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Genesis Duncan Wall Art

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4 Items
Bon Appetit Fine Art Print
Bon Appetit
12" x 15"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $28.99
Coffee Time (Orange) Fine Art Print
Coffee Time (Orange)
12" x 15"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $28.99
Eat Dessert First Fine Art Print
Eat Dessert First
12" x 15"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $28.99
Let's Eat Fine Art Print
Let's Eat
12" x 15"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $28.99
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4 Items
Genesis Duncan got into printing business by accident. A few months after graduating from college, he became a caregiver to his terminally ill father-in-law. Any plans he had for a full time and stable job was derailed by real life in a hard way. It was a difficult time for him, mentally, financially and emotionally. Duncan turned to design as a way of controlling what he was feeling. He thought that if he could make thing cheerful and fun, may be he would feel different and his situation would be different. And in a very interesting turn of events, this indeed happened in unexpected way. One day, on an impulse, he put three prints on Etsy to make some extra money. Surprisingly, he sold a few of them within hours, and his company called Graphic Anthology was born.

Duncan says that to this day, telling that story brings to him a well of wild emotions. He’s grateful that he gets to help people share understanding, love, and joy with others in the form of prints. How hopeful and beautiful is that? His company’s tag line is “joyful stationery that celebrates life” and he means every word of it. Duncan celebrates every day. His style is a joyful blend of American Modernism and Scandinavian minimalism. Think bright and minimal, with stylized illustrations. It’s boldly cheerful and fun! Today, his art adorn the walls of some of the most prestigious building in the world. He continues to produce art that speak to the hearts of the viewers.
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