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J. Wilkes Wall Art

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13 Items
Coral On Khaki I Fine Art Print
Coral On Khaki I
13" x 10"
Price: $14.99
Coral On Khaki II Fine Art Print
Coral On Khaki II
13" x 10"
Price: $14.99
Coral On Khaki III Fine Art Print
Coral On Khaki III
13" x 10"
Price: $14.99
Coral On Khaki IV Fine Art Print
Coral On Khaki IV
13" x 10"
Price: $14.99
Anatomy Study I Fine Art Print
Anatomy Study I
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Anatomy Study II Fine Art Print
Anatomy Study II
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Anatomy Study III Fine Art Print
Anatomy Study III
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Anatomy Study IV Fine Art Print
Anatomy Study IV
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Design for a Mansion Fine Art Print
Design for a Mansion
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Plan for a Mansion Fine Art Print
Plan for a Mansion
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Design for a Chapel Fine Art Print
Design for a Chapel
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Plan for a Chapel Fine Art Print
Plan for a Chapel
18" x 22"
Price: $48.99
Plan & Elevation for a Roman Villa Fine Art Print
Plan & Elevation for a Roman Villa
32" x 26"
Price: $107.99
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13 Items
J. Wilkes is a professional artist who uses a variety of mediums, soft pastels acrylic, watercolor and oil. He has developed his own style in pen and watercolors. He also enjoys using pastels in landscapes and flower designs. He also teaches at a number of local centers in Lancashire where he covers a variety of subjects using various mediums. His mediums of choice include Acrylics, Acrylic Inks, Gouache, Colored Pencil, Oils, Mixed Media, Pen & Ink, Pastels, Watercolor Pencil and Watercolor. Wilkes is known for interactive art, His posters have been used for several years. He loves his work; in fact he was always looking forward to more and more engagements with publishers and designers. It truly excites him that his work is being appreciated and shared through so many different platforms. Wilkes’ art continue to cause a lot of excitement among collectors, and they sell at very high prices.

He loved art from childhood and managed to come up with very attractive images - that’s when he knew he was destined to become an artist. The artist has developed a unique style of producing his images. His paintings are noted for their meticulous reality and technical accuracy. Today, he’s regarded as one of the finest artists in the world. His paintings are in many private and public collections. They are also in museums, institutions, homes and in many public places. Wilkes continues to produce high quality art and is a source of inspiration to many upcoming and established artists.
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