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Strammel Wall Art

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6 Items
Chevaux d' Homme I Fine Art Print
Chevaux d' Homme I
8" x 13"
Price: $19.99
Chevaux d' Homme II Fine Art Print
Chevaux d' Homme II
8" x 13"
Price: $19.99
Chevaux d' Femme I Fine Art Print
Chevaux d' Femme I
13" x 19"
Price: $19.99
Chevaux d' Femme II Fine Art Print
Chevaux d' Femme II
8" x 13"
Price: $19.99
Color Fusion I Fine Art Print
Color Fusion I
12" x 17"
Price: $19.99
Color Fusion II Fine Art Print
Color Fusion II
12" x 17"
Price: $19.99
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6 Items
Strammel is a French Artist known for his paintings of horses. He spent his childhood surrounded by many art-loving friends who noticed his talent and encouraged him to pursue his interest in art. Today, he is a full-time artist who tries to come up with new and interesting ideas for illustrations. His art is simplistic in design yet bold in the use of color. His passion for art has grown over the years and this passion has led him to a brilliant creative career. Strammel embraces both traditional and modern techniques and flirts with experimentation as well. His work is greatly inspired by decorative art and his love of life and nature. He composes his work through the utilization of acrylics and the skillful use of the graceful transparency of watercolors.

He has made a name for himself in the licensing world. With a skillful artistic flair, his enthusiasm for art comes to life in his artwork. Driven by a great passion for art and the environment, Strammel exhibits his talents in various fields. His pieces of art are currently selling in large numbers throughout the world. The works he prints displays sharp, vivid images with a high degree of color accuracy. He has always been influenced by the international world. Strammel is a member of the versatile family of art prints. He brings many new and textured mediums to mix with his great sense of light, color, and spacing. These have allowed him to obtain the unique look on his artwork.
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