Frog artwork has become an increasingly popular form of amphibian art. These unique creatures are depicted in several different ways, from surreal portraits to children animal illustrations. The many colors, types, and ingenuity of these creatures is fascinating and the art that depicts this category reflects a degree of creativity that is noteworthy for its diversity.
Many frog illustrations depict these amphibians as having human behaviors and mannerisms. This is possibly due to the presence of 'fingers' and 'toes' which allow this creature to survive in so many climates. Also, frogs and humans share many other similarities which artists take advantage of in their work. Surreal amphibian art, in particular, has used these creatures to their advantage, as seen in 'Frog Cookies' by Dot Bunn and 'Sommelier' by Will Bullas.
Children animal illustrations also exhibit human behaviors in their depiction of these amphibians. Frog art such as 'Someday My Princess Will Come' by Serena Bowman and 'Frog Parking' by Jennifer Nilsson are two examples of this treatment. However, frog art for children is often whimsical in execution and there is also a large amount of this type of art that displays frogs as simply being frogs.
Realistic frog art shows these amphibians in their natural habitat and is beautifully executed. In these works, as in nature, the frog is typically camouflaged by its natural color. These frog paintings, such as 'Frog in Lily Pond' delight viewers when they spot the added amphibian element in these works.