Mercury is the smallest and closet planet in the solar system to the sun. Its beautiful grey surface is synonymous with the moon, and even appears in similar phases. Mercury artwork gives access to viewing deep into the galaxy and shows off the beauty of this unique planet.
Mercury photographs by Stock trek Images and other photographers show the shadowed surface of this diverse planet. The photograph, “Planet Mercury,” by Stock trek Images, captures Mercury up close and personal, a dark shadow casting across the side of the planet shows the planet in a phase similar to the moon. “Mercury” a photograph by artist unknown, is a spectacular full frame view of the grey surface of Mercury yawning out of the darkness of outer space.
Mercury pictures as features historical photographs of the Mercury Capsule. Depicted in black and white, “Project Mercury Capsule Complete in Lewis Hangar,” by Stock trek Images shows the completed Mercury Capsule sitting on a dolly as it waits to be moved and later launched into space. “JFK Inspects Mercury Capsule” by artist unknown, shows the beloved 35th President, John F. Kennedy, peering into the Mercury Capsule.
An eerie light of a bright glow peers up from the edge of Mercury in the dead of space in Walter Myer for Stock trek Images photograph, “A Ghostly Coronal Light Reveals Mercury’s Rugged and Inhospitable Surface.” See the expansive and crated surface of Mercury in the up close photograph, “Large Craters on the Planet Mercury,” by Stock trek Images.