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Inspired By Van Gogh

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Art Inspired By Van Gogh Prints

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14 Items
Tuscan Castle Fine Art Print
Tuscan Castle
40" x 29"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $97.99
Twilight Courtyard Fine Art Print
Twilight Courtyard
36" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $81.99
Vineyard Hill Fine Art Print
Vineyard Hill
40" x 29"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $97.99
La Femme en Provence Fine Art Print
La Femme en Provence
10" x 8"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $19.99
Summer Cypress Fine Art Print
Summer Cypress
28" x 29"
Price: $67.99
Golden Marsh Fine Art Print
Golden Marsh
28" x 29"
Price: $67.99
Placid Marsh Fine Art Print
Placid Marsh
28" x 29"
Price: $67.99
Sunset Cypress Fine Art Print
Sunset Cypress
28" x 29"
Price: $67.99
Van Gogh Irises I Fine Art Print
Van Gogh Irises I
24" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $56.99
Van Gogh Irises II Fine Art Print
Van Gogh Irises II
24" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $56.99
Forever I Fine Art Print
Forever I
24" x 24"
Price: $44.99
Splendor I Fine Art Print
Splendor I
28" x 28"
Price: $49.99
Radiance I Fine Art Print
Radiance I
10" x 12"
Price: $24.00
Radiance II Fine Art Print
Radiance II
10" x 12"
Price: $24.00
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14 Items
There once was a Dutch man with amazing art talent and even more amazing art styles and techniques that many new artists after him had adopted. These artists owe their artistic abilities not only to their natural talents, but to the talents of Dutchman Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh inspired art is a category of artwork by all artists that have incorporated Van Gogh’s styles and techniques into their own artistic abilities.

Of course, Van Gogh himself is responsible for being such a wonderful person behind all of the Van Gogh inspired prints. He was a talented artist who was noted for his ability to incorporate strange beauty, emotions, honesty, and big bold and bright colors in his artwork. His major influence was during the 20th century and spanned over a few short years. Yet, his style and technique remains to be an inspiration to artists that have come after his death.
Van Gogh inspired art pieces are simply amazing. Although not crafted by the inspiration himself, the featured artists have succeeded in displaying the bold colors, raw beauty, and emotions that are incorporated in an original Van Gogh piece. Some of the featured pieces include Kate Birch’s Thai Spice I and II, Teri Jones’ Summer Leaves, and Phillip Craig’s Ivy Geraniums.

Each piece from the Van Gogh inspired wall prints collection will bring a beautiful element to your walls and to each room in your home. No piece is like the other in this collection, so it may be difficult to choose just one. You will not be disappointed with your selection.
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