The 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln had a great impact on America. Lincoln was born in 1809 in a log cabin in Kentucky. As commander-in-chief, Lincoln helped the Union prevail during the Civil War, as he helped to abolish slavery and to build up the national government.
One of the most famous speeches to have ever been spoken, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address speech reiterating the importance of freedom and equality in 1893. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth.
Abraham Lincoln played an important role in American history, you can show you’re love for America and what principles the country stands for with Abraham Lincoln art and prints from We have a wide selection of Lincoln art and prints including Civil War prints, Abraham Lincoln portraits, Lincoln quotes, Mount Rushmore art, and much more. You can also have your prints framed or transferred to canvas. Start looking for your Abraham Lincoln art and prints today on