Maps of North America are typically depictions of the United States and Canada. These geographic pictures range from pop art images to educational posters. These works are not only historically significant but provide valuable insight into how these countries developed and are collected widely by both art and map collectors.
Many North American maps are actually regional maps, which portray only a part of the continent. Although the primary purpose of these works is to show basic information like many maps of North America also feature specific historical areas of interest, as seen in 'American Posts and Forts, 1861'.
Maps of North America are also used as pop art images by modern artists. The iconic shape of the United States has become a pop art icon in current times. These geographic pictures often feature text, like in the pop art print, 'USA Modern Blue' by Michael Mullan. Several modern artists also use specific characteristics of the area, such as license plates, sports teams, and other regional characteristics.
These maps are also used as educational posters. These works often contain demographic information and show how the geography of North America has developed since its founding. Educational posters of the United States are also common in this type of geographic picture, since they are often used to show the location and names of different states and capitols to students.