The intelligent and charming canines known as border collies are some of the most widely recognized among enthusiasts who are looking for sheepdog art prints because of the unique history of these animals, both in art and in breeding.
Unlike their cousins, the traditional collie, border collies weren't bred to have a particular look. These animals were bred purely for their abilities and intelligence. Additionally, the coloring of border collies is generally black and white, although some border collies have brown spots in their coloring which can either appear in addition to their monochromatic coloring or as a replacement for their black fur. This coloring and focus on ability give border collies a unique place among canine fine art and dog art in general.
Because border collies were bred for their intelligence rather than body type or appearance, artists generally focus on the friendly openness and intellect that is seen in these canine's faces. This has created a surprising amount of Border collie portraiture among modern artists. Dean Russo, the famous pop artists who specializes in dog art, reveals the prized attributes of this breed in his art print, 'Border Collie' by focusing on the responsive, loving, and energetic nature of this unique dog breed.
Full body images are represented in Border collie art, however. These images usually feature the canine outdoors where its athletic build and large size look natural. This kind of border collie art are highly popular among sheepdog artwork enthusiasts because it frequently shows them watching over the flock or surrounded by the beautiful rolling hills and lush greenery that are characteristic of the Scottish and British border where these canines were originally bred and named after.
Although colored depictions and styles are common in Border collie art, the unique black and white coloring of these sheepdogs has allowed unique opportunities for charcoal and pencil drawings of this subject in addition to the variety of modern treatments that are used to depict these types of canines.