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Linda Wood Wall Art

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27 Items
Grandiflora Blush I Fine Art Print
Grandiflora Blush I
27" x 27"
Price: $67.99
Grandiflora Blush II Fine Art Print
Grandiflora Blush II
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Apricot Flame I Fine Art Print
Apricot Flame I
36" x 24"
Price: $81.99
Apricot Flame II Fine Art Print
Apricot Flame II
36" x 24"
Price: $81.99
Peony Dusk I Fine Art Print
Peony Dusk I
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Peony Dusk II Fine Art Print
Peony Dusk II
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Grandiflora VI Fine Art Print
Grandiflora VI
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Brilliant Blooms I Fine Art Print
Brilliant Blooms I
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Brilliant Blooms II Fine Art Print
Brilliant Blooms II
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Red Peony I Fine Art Print
Red Peony I
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Red Peony II Fine Art Print
Red Peony II
28" x 28"
Price: $67.99
Rockabilly II Fine Art Print
Rockabilly II
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Retro Car II Fine Art Print
Retro Car II
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Red Peony I Fine Art Print
Red Peony I
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Red Peony II Fine Art Print
Red Peony II
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Cruising USA I Fine Art Print
Cruising USA I
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Cruising USA II Fine Art Print
Cruising USA II
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Burnished Alliums Fine Art Print
Burnished Alliums
36" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Rockabilly III Fine Art Print
Rockabilly III
20" x 20"
Price: $81.99
Flower Power I Fine Art Print
Flower Power I
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Flower Power II Fine Art Print
Flower Power II
12" x 12"
Price: $81.99
Papavar I Fine Art Print
Papavar I
8" x 8"
Price: $81.99
Papavar II Fine Art Print
Papavar II
8" x 8"
Price: $81.99
Ditsy Dogs I Fine Art Print
Ditsy Dogs I
12" x 6"
Price: $81.99
Ditsy Dogs II Fine Art Print
Ditsy Dogs II
12" x 6"
Price: $81.99
Red Peony I Fine Art Print
Red Peony I
8" x 8"
Price: $81.99
Red Peony II Fine Art Print
Red Peony II
8" x 8"
Price: $81.99
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27 Items
Linda Wood has been a successful photographer, artist and designer since 1980s when she graduated from De Montfort University, Leicester with a BA in Fashion and Textiles. Linda lives and works in Coggeshall, a pretty village in the North Essex countryside. She gets inspiration for some of her work from her favorite places such as Northern Italy and the Lake District. She believes that art connects people with their families and community, to their past and future, and opens them up to possibility and opportunity. Her works include prints, designs photography, and fine art paintings, for textiles and wallpapers. Her love of art and passion for anything artistic has enabled her to create beautiful images of her subjects. She strives to make art that will inspire emotion in as many viewers as possible. Linda’s style is distinctive and inimitable; her creativity is reputed as one of the world’s best artists.

She has attended many exhibitions and shows to observe what other artists are doing. She has also participated in many art exhibitions where her art has featured prominently - including many best-selling prints and designs in the USA Europe, and UK. Linda’s works are owned by private and public collectors, galleries, and museums around the world. With a style of her own, her works are able to speak for themselves, attracting clients not only from North Essex, but also from around the world. Her clients include: B&Q, York Wall coverings, Graham and Brown, Marks & Spencer, Arthouse, Kimberley Clark, Schumacher, Rosenstiels, Pimpernel, Next, and Rasch.
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