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George Caso Wall Art

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George Caso (Born 1942) was born in San Francisco, CA. he was born creative and at the tender age of 8, he won an art competition in the State of Nevada for his age group. He says this was an ego building experience. After school, he worked shortly in the Navy, and then started searching for work and direction in his life. He experimented in many forms of art along the way, while taking any jobs that were available just to survive. Caso did everything from roofing, to floral designer, to working in almost every position in the restaurant trade; from cook, dishwasher, and manager. After getting married, he decided he needed to get serious about his economic future.

He got hired as a salesman by NCR and for almost 10 years, he rose in the corporate ladder and became a District Manager. In his last 4 years at NCR, he was assigned to the Columbia, SC office. Although all his life he had played artist, it was during that time that he was determined to be more serious and creative and he started painting. As luck would have it, a neighbor who knew a friend who owned an art gallery saw his work and invited the gallery owner to see it. The gallery owner liked the art and gave Caso a chance in a 3-man show. He just about sold out. This show opened the door for many other shows, and he was able to show his works throughout Georgia and South Carolina.
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