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Cheryl Lee Art Prints

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A few years ago Cheryl Lee decided to follow the advice she has given many others in her career as an holistic therapist: “Think about what you enjoyed doing as a child…and do it!” For Lee, the answer was art. Lee’s husband and father-in-law are both artists, as are many of her close friends. Surrounded by artists, Lee was at first hesitant to start. “My husband bought me an expensive set of pastels, which were so perfect and beautiful, like a brand new set of crayons, that I was afraid to use them. I soon got over it and began to play, creating my first piece, which was an angel.” “I usually start a piece with the intention to play and have fun. My rules are ‘there are no rules,’ ‘don’t be attached,’ and ‘no judgment or criticism allowed.’” Lee uses whatever tools are around: pastels, pencils, gouache, Xacto blades, erasers and paper. “Sometimes I plan my work, sometimes I’m just expressing a mood, and sometimes I’ll call an angel in to work with me for fun,” says Lee. Many times she stumbles on a technique while playing. Her subject matter includes angels, houses to represent community, nature, animals and plants. Lee shares a large studio on the third floor of their home with her husband and best friend, Adam. The studio is simple, colorful, warm and filled with plants. This sunny spot reflects Lee’s tremendous enthusiasm for life, which she exhibits whether sailing with her dad on the Great Lakes, tending her organic vegetable garden, playing volleyball, skiing, doing yoga, traveling to exotic locales or creating her whimsical art.
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