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Iksel Decorative Arts Art Prints

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IDA is the signature of Iksel Decorative Arts, a highly specialized studio founded by Mehment and Dimonah Iksel. The Iksels work between their studios in Paris and India creating new concepts that continue to delight and surprise the artworld. Since 1988, the Studio has been consistently working for many of the most famous interior designers of Europe and North America, first and foremost in the field of frescoes and trompe l'oeil painting. They have painted numerous commissions for corporations and residence throughout the world. Often asked to create special projects, in 1955, they were asked to paint murals for Louis Vuitton's windows in all of their stores worldwide. Focusing on transition imagery, IDA is inspired by the French school of decorative arts, combining scholarship, ichnographic research and design with the finest brushwork. IDA pays homage to the great classical artists of the past, bringing forth their splendor into the realm of contemporary art.
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