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Melissa Lyons Wall Art

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Melissa Lyons is just a girl who has seen the pieces of a broken, messy life...come together. She’s a God-taught artist who picked up some cheap canvas, a paintbrush and paint in, 2012. She never went to college, and never attended any art school...she just loves to paint. She sits and thinks very often how many people don't discover their true gifts and capabilities because they are lost or too broken to see themselves as chosen people. It is the desire of her heart that each person who visits her space here goes away feeling like they are never too lost to be found, never too broken to be fixed and never too small to be used. She grew up in Chicago and says that her heart will always be in that city. She’s a military wife, and proudly serves alongside her husband.

The couple has 2 beautiful daughters and lives a very simple and crazy life. They move a lot, usually in about every 2- 3 years. Painting has awakened her soul and given her an opportunity to be able to give back to the society in a way she never imagined. Melissa knew from a very young age that she would be an artist and knew that whatever she would go through would all count for something in building her artistic career. It wasn't until recently that she discovered all the suffering and pain she has endured to become what she is today. She has a heart that easily breaks for those who suffer. It’s her hope that her art and her words will be used for good.
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