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Framed James Wyper Wall Art

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13 Items
Fireflowers Fine Art Print
43" x 31"
Price: $499.99
Compassion Realization Fine Art Print
Compassion Realization
37" x 37"
Price: $679.99
Kaleidoscopic Fine Art Print
37" x 37"
Price: $679.99
Entry Point Fine Art Print
Entry Point
37" x 37"
Price: $679.99
Kaleidoscopic Fine Art Print
18" x 18"
Price: $180.99
Entry Point Fine Art Print
Entry Point
18" x 18"
Price: $180.99
Afire Fine Art Print
18" x 18"
Price: $184.99
Afire Fine Art Print
27" x 27"
Price: $324.99
Artemesia Absinthium Fine Art Print
Artemesia Absinthium
19" x 19"
Price: $193.99
Artemesia Absinthium Fine Art Print
Artemesia Absinthium
27" x 27"
Price: $324.99
Be The Rain You Remember Falling Fine Art Print
Be The Rain You Remember Falling
38" x 38"
Price: $706.99
What The Sea Brought Today Fine Art Print
What The Sea Brought Today
18" x 18"
Price: $184.99
What The Sea Brought Today Fine Art Print
What The Sea Brought Today
27" x 27"
Price: $324.99
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13 Items
James Wyper (Born in 1971) is an artist who loves to travel. Throughout the 1990s, he travelled, often motorcycling or hitchhiking around Canada. He was born in Kimberley, BC, the mountain town of Canada, and was raised on the Saskatchewan prairies. For years, he lived in a series of converted vans and school buses, making paintings and selling them along the way. This unrehearsed experiment in living is evident in the innate process of his painting. His paintings and murals illustrate the idea that existence is causal. His art explores the transcendence of duality and the states of spontaneous spiritual realization, conscious awareness, ecstasy and meditation. Initially, the vast aerial views of Canadian landscape inspired his ongoing series of geometric paintings, but today his theme of inquiry is the practice the awareness of present moment and the nature of consciousness. His pieces of art are finely textured and brightly colored.

They are devices which are alive and produce the energy of the intention behind them, and reflect to a viewer their own state of consciousness. Today, Wyper has a studio in the Salish Sea on a small island near Vancouver. This is where he lives with the artist and author Johnson Marlo. His art is collected and is available internationally. His paintings have been described as “doorways of vibration and luminescence” because of their mandala-like geometry and rich colors. Wyper has his geometries laser-cut into birch or hand-cuts them, and then uses a palette knife to paint them in acrylic. His art is in many galleries and museums in Canada and abroad.
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