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Framed Vladimir Nikolov/Stocktrek Images Wall Art

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Vladimir Nikolov (Born 1988) is an artist from Bulgaria. He became interested in paleontology and dinosaurs in 1993. He was attracted to these by a certain movie that features dinosaurs. His first attempts of drawing images at random mostly trains, actually came earlier that his obsession with extinct animals by some couple of years. Some of his first memories involve making of art. He got his art education in 2008 when he graduated from National High School of Stage and Film Design, Plovdiv. He specialized in “Theatrical, Cinema and Television scenery." After graduation, he joined the university, and he got B.Sc. degree in 2012 in “Geology”, from Sofia University, Sofia (Bulgaria). He’s currently studying for his M.Sc. in Paleontology and Geology at the same University. His art has been published in “Prehistoric Times” magazine as well as appeared on various blogs and websites (although he’s not always been credited for his work).

He worked on several art projects for the Department of Fossil fuels, Paleontology and Geology, where he was student. More than 30 of his artworks are at display in the Museum of Paleontology and at Sofia University at Historical Geology. His watercolor reconstructions have featured in exhibition at the St. George Dinosaur Center. Few of his reconstructions of extinct animals appeared in the new edition of "Missing Links.” As a kid he drew dinosaurs most of the times, but also drew a variety of other things like trains, cars, aliens, spaceships … basically what children draw. He’s a traditional artist and in his work he uses a variety of traditional media.
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