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Framed David Herbig / Danita Delimont Wall Art

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Dave Herbig is part of Danita Delimont management team (he’s the CTO). In 1982, he strongly supported Danita's decision to become an agent for photographers. Herbig has assisted Danita for more than 2 decades as her business advisor who worked behind-the-scenes. His "day jobs" during this period included co-founding screening system (SCAN), the largest bad-check in the world, managing computer data tape vault and business records storage. He also owned a custom home theater design company, and worked as chief operating officer of a certain company that dealt with computer security software during its initial public offering. When the stock photography business was transformed by the digital revolution, his personal interest in photography went against his knowledge of computer technology. The artist realized that if Danita, his agent, was to continue selling his photography, then the agency would have to join the digital revolution, and this is what happened.

Herbig now nurses, the e-commerce website, Danita's computer network and his favorite, the digital screening room having an 8-foot screen. He’s also exercising his entrepreneurial skills by founding and operating Badge Magic very successfully. His art is available in many online stores. Many collectors stock his art worldwide because they are in high demand. He shares with his friends his joys of seeing his art in museums while traveling. He’s now the Treasurer for Picture Archive Council of America (PACA), the national trade association of North American stock picture agencies. This is now his 3rd term in this position and he has been very successful.
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