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Rebecca Jackrel / Danita Delimont Wall Art

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Freelance photographer Rebecca Jackrel is currently based in San Francisco, California. She shares her love of wild places and creatures through her photography. Rebecca has loved art for as long as she can remember. As an inquisitive young girl, she used to help her older brother in processing and printing black and white photos in their darkroom of their home in upstate NY. Since those days Rebecca has been fascinated by the art of photography as a medium for communication. She blends this fascination with her love of nature, creating mesmerizing visions of the planet. Her art is deeply influenced by Porter Elliot and his use of color. She has been honored for her achievements through the National Wildlife Federation Photo Contest, the Nature's Best Photography, Art Wolfe International Conservation Photography Awards, the Nature's Best Photography Awards, North American Nature Photographer Association (NANPA), Art Wolfe Environmental Photography Invitational, the Orange Audubon Society of Florida and Marin County Fair.

She’s a member of American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), NANPA, and Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and lectures on environmental issues and nature photography. She has produced hundreds of artwork that many have seen her commercial works whenever they visit their local Hobby Lobby and her art is highly priced by many discriminating collectors around the world. Rebecca’s art are much sought after by many purchasers who are interested in giving their rooms a fresh look. Asked about what she values in life, Rebecca says that she prefers a goal to a dream as a goal is easier to attain. The photographer also loves nature because it’s from nature that she derives much of her inspiration.
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