Carlos Sánchez (Born 1961) is part voyeur and part philosopher from Venezuela. He provides his viewers with a distinct visual style of art that incorporates both drama and wit. He draws upon his understanding of culture and art history, and explores themes of psychology, religious iconography and identity. He reinterprets these ideas through a contemporary lens. Through this style, three motifs emerge: the horse, Christ, and Las Maninas. Cerebral in nature, Sánchez is a multi-media artist that has worked in sculpture, painting, graphic arts and metal engraving. He attended the School of Fine Arts of the Louvre in Paris where he studied the restoration of cloth and paper in 1979. He also studied at the Institute of Heritage Conservation Mexico City.
He has exhibited his art at Diaz Mancini Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela, Queen Sofia Museum, Madrid Spain, Chiz Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, American Society Art Gallery, New York, Jacques Franck Institute, Brussels, Belgium, Consulate of Venezuela, New York, Sacred Museum, Caracas, Venezuela, The Cypresses, Angel Boscan Gallery, Caracas, Jacques Franck Institute, Brussels, Eight Art Gallery, Caracas, Euro-American Arts Center, Caracas, to name but a few. He has also won many awards among them Diploma and Medal of the City of Brussels. Sánchez is a member of many professional art societies and his art is available in many galleries in a variety of finishing options. Some of his outstanding projects include Dreaming Gods, Nothing Grows Under Venezuela, The Weather God, Contemplation, Circus Project II and III, Sun Horse, Moon Horse, and Curfew For A Shadow.