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J. Alex Potter Wall Art

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J. Alex Potter (Born 1945) earned her BFA in sculpture and printmaking from Virginia Common Wealth University. She loves the directness and physicality of pastels and says that the process is almost alchemical. These days Joan can be found in rural Hutchinson, Kansas. She says that the pastels come from the ground in the form of pure pigment, and then they metamorphose once they get to the surface; and she gets to touch them in her hand. The artist exercises careful control to ensure command in value, in dark and light - which to her is the most important thing in painting. The artist has consistently won national and regional awards for her artwork. In 1999 he held a solo exhibition at Patricia Carlisle Fine Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico. In the same year he participated in an Invitational Exhibit at Carol Henderson Gallery, Fort Worth – the exhibit was on Contemporary Realism.

The following year he held a Two Person Exhibit at American Legacy Gallery, Kansas City. In 2000, he had two shows: one at Karen Mitchell Frank Gallery in Dallas, Texas, and the other at Santa Fe, New Mexico. Joan has participated in many other shows and exhibitions. Her pastels are featured in magazines that include Pastel Artist International, The Artist's Magazine, American Artist, Focus Santa Fe, and Southwest Art. The pastels are included in the book, "Best of Pastels.” She was the winner of National Endowment/Mid-America Arts Alliance for the Arts Grant and Kansa Arts Commission Developmental Grant. She’s a signature member of the Pastel Society of America and the Knickbocker Artists, USA.
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