Harmonize your Kitchen with Modern Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 24. April 2015 11:01

Kitchen Words I

A kitchen is one of the most valuable assets of a home.  Modern design is becoming more and more popular and the natural flow between living and kitchen areas make this type of decor very appealing.  Polished stainless steel, sleek straight lines, and uncluttered surfaces deliver a clean and organized space to prepare meals or ponder the days events with a cup of coffee.  Be selective in minimal modern art wall hangings and your kitchen will deliver that perfect balance of modernism and contentment.


What to Look For

A silhouetted picture of kitchen utensils on a frameless canvass mat, is a subtle reminder of the room's purpose without becoming overbearing with too much movement.  Never eye-catching, but bringing volume to an empty wall space, a single fork, a pair of spoons, or a tea-pot fills a void with character, without distraction.


A Touch of Color

Add a colorful reminder of naturalism with large slices of oranges, limes and grapefruit for a complimentary display of realism.  A contemporary oil painting, surrounded by a skinny frame, will provide a touch of sheer elegance among polished appliances.

Sliced Grapefruit

You can never go wrong with sepia or black and white photography, encased in bordered, silver or black frames, when creating a delicate balance of modern motif.  An ordinary cup or a group of scattered spoons work well when hung in duplicate along a side wall or positioned above a stainless steel range or basin.  Captured shading adds dimension and highlights the beauty of chrome and stainless steel.


Before deciding on wall hangings to compliment your modern kitchen, search around on our website for various ideas of popular designs and images that are present in urban, contemporary, or even eclectic decor.  Not only will your kitchen become more appealing to your own taste, but will also blend more naturally with surrounding areas with like decor and style.


Children's Art: Bringing Kids’ Rooms to Life

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 16. January 2015 09:01


One of the most enjoyable parts of having a child is decorating his or her bedroom. Before their babies are even born, many new parents design a nursery with artwork and accessories that they hope will appeal to their new arrival. They might choose soothing colors and quiet themes to help the baby (and the new parents!) relax and sleep. As they grow and their eyesight develops, babies are drawn to more visually complex pictures and objects.


For toddlers and older children, playing and learning are their two most important occupations. They may spend as much time playing in their rooms as they do sleeping. When decorating their bedrooms, you can choose children's art from among popular characters, interests, or hobbies. You could design a space that incorporates all of their favorites, or pick a central theme or object, such as a traditional children’s story, and have the artwork complement your theme.



Exposing children to different types of art at a young age can help inspire their own creativity. Furthermore, they will feel more comfortable in a room personalized with their specific interests in mind. When decorating your child’s room, you can explore color and design to create a unique space that appeals to both of you.


BeBall FourSmile


For instance, encourage storytelling and imaginative play by displaying art with characters from beloved books and movies. This can motivate children to recall scenes from stories and to expand on them, creating their own fantasy world right in their bedrooms. Don’t forget the playroom or family room, two more locations where you could decorate with children's art pieces.


One of the greatest types of art we offer for children is educational art. Every child learns at a different pace and hanging educational art in their surroundings can influence their learning. Alphabet posters, animal posters, counting posters and more are a great fit for a child's room. These types of posters make learning colorful and fun with pictures of the what they are teaching. Educational posters brings learning to life and is something they can use as they grow up and for their own future children. 

Alphabet Zoo

A Jellyfish Invasion! Featured Artist: Natalie Talocci

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 14. November 2014 12:46

"When I close my eyes and let the sounds take me away, my mind is flooded with creativity. I can almost visualize the sounds," says artist, Natalie Talocci

Natalie Talocci is a local young artist who creates unique abstract art. She has been an artist almost all of her life. Talocci received her Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts from William Patterson University. She has created many pieces that are full of color and life. Though most of her pieces are of animals on land and underwater, she also has painted many portraits, cultural paintings, and has created sculptures.

This November, Natalie Talocci begins her first solo art show at Gold Light Gallery 's opening on November 8th in New Hope, PA. A lot of Talocci's Pieces were displayed at Gold Light Gallery but her Jelly Fish Invasion series was featured. These pieces show the beauty and uniqueness of unique sea life creatures, Jellyfish. "There is something extraordinary about these gelatinous creatures that drift through water so weightless and free," Talocci says. And that is exactly how her art depicts them. When seeing these original pieces, it's almost like watching these animals in their natural habitat.

Natalie created her Jelly Fish Invasion series in a unique way. She started off with a quick sketch. Then she used hot glue to build borders, this gives the finished product texture and really helps it come to life.

Natalie gets her inspiration from music and other famous artists when creating these pieces. Some of her biggest inspirations are Alphonse Mucha, Keith Haring and Wassily Kandinsky. Talocci also stated that New Hope, PA offers a lot of inspiration. Just down the street from Gold Light Gallery, there is a bridge in which you often find artists sitting out with easels painting the beautiful, scenic view. Her advice to upcoming artists is to find a place like New Hope, PA that will give you inspiration.

Natalie is excited to have her Jelly Fish Invasion series featured at Gold Light Gallery. Her series will be featured throughout the month of November during which these original pieces will be available for purchase.

Great Abstract Art: A Look at Artist Maeve Harris

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 17. October 2014 08:39

Maeve Harris Jetty 1

If you are a fan of abstract paintings, there is a good chance that you’ve at least heard of artist Maeve Harris. For those that have not heard of her, please allow us to make the introduction. She is a versatile, Seattle-based phenomenon that’s known for her intuitive use of organic forms and blending techniques. In addition, she tends to incorporate elements of photos, literature and history into her work. Here’s a look at several excellent examples of her innate talent:

Maeve Harris Collection: Moment Series

Maeve Harris’ Moment Series is a prime example of her brilliant use of brush strokes to create the illusion of movement. The paintings in the series are appropriately titled Moment I and Moment II. In both instances, she blends blacks, whites, yellows and browns to create two distinct, abstract focal points. Because of their abstract nature and coloring, the paintings could very easily be used in a variety of settings.


Maeve Harris Collection: Jetty & Crème Series

Understandably, Maeve Harris does not restrict her color palette to the ones found in the Moment Series. She has two series that would be ideal for use in beach homes or areas ripe with cool tones. Those two series are Jetty and Crème. Each abstract painting in the two series incorporates white and off white colors. The Jetty Series, however, also infuses those colors with shades of blue and green. As such, all four paintings would look wonderful paired with natural items like pressed seaweed, sand sculptures, bowls of beach glass and driftwood fragments.

Maeve Harris Caballo del Negro I

Maeve Harris Collection: Floral Paintings

No discussion of artist Maeve Harris’ work would be complete without a mention of her floral paintings. She has several collections that focus on flowers. Among the flowers highlighted in the various collections are marguerites, orchids, chiaroscuros and roses. Colors used in Harris’ floral paintings vary greatly. Therefore, it is easy to find one that will fit in with most design schemes.


Would you like to learn more about artist Maeve Harris and her exceptional paintings? If so, stop by the Fulcrum Gallery today.

Popular color trends: Stay gold

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 10. October 2014 08:20

Bliss by Harold Feinstein

Everyone loves popular color trends when they decide to remodel their home or renovate! It's fun to change your decor every once in a while to keep up with current popular color schemes. A very popular color for home decor, especially for this autumn season, is gold. Gold represents a meaning of success, achievement, and triumph. We often associate the color gold with money or wealth, but the color gold has so much more to tell us than just wealth. Many people have linked the color gold as a way to feel empowered and choose to think gold can give off a vibe of positive energy. Some also believe that gold can bring good wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment.

 Represents a Meaning of Success, Achievement, and Triumph!

Often we see gold metals for the winner of a race so we connect the color gold and it's meaning to the winner's metal. This color draws attention to itself, it is eye-catching, passionate, and confident. Gold is a color that is often overlooked when choosing decor because of the flashy and wealthy vibe it shows. Decorating an office with gold art, or neutral colored prints with a gold frame, can give one a sense of empowerment and success. Getting gold art, art with a gold frame, or art on canvas with gold painted sides is not only suitable for your office. These will also raise your feeling of success in a library or study room. 

Perfect Decor for Autumn Season!

Gentle Rise by Douglas Aagard

Not only is gold great decor for offices, classrooms, libraries, and study rooms, but it is also great for general home decor during autumn season! Decorating your home with paintings and photographs of golden autumn trees and the golden kissed sky during sunset is a great way to bring the beauty of autumn into your home with out having crunchy leaves. Gold autumn decor helps a room pop with color and come to life. Golden touched autumn art is especially a great decor choice for those who find themselves who favor autumn over other seasons. If autumn season is your favorite, why not leave the autumn decor up year round to keep your favorite season around!

Although gold is a popular color to decorate, you want to make sure to not overdo it. Having too much gold decor in your home can be overwhelming since gold is such a bold color. If the room is painted a solid color that compliments gold, just decorating with gold is perfectly fine! But remember, gold is a loud color that does not need help standing out and making a statement. Too much gold decor can ruin the statement you want to make. If done correctly, gold decor can be the perfect inspirational art, or the perfect seasonal art!

Time to Decorate for Fall

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 26. September 2014 13:12

Autumn Leaves Great Smoky Mountains National Park NC USA

Fall is almost here! As the temperature drops and the days grow shorter, nature follows suit with a change of colors. Yellow, orange, gold, rust and red take over the landscape, diffusing autumnal spell. An irresistible spell. A spell you want to bring inside your home and spread the magic all around. Here’s how you can bring the colors of fall into your home:

Celebrate the Colors of Fall

Fall means the orange of pumpkin, the red of corn, yellow of gourds and the rust of fallen leaves. Often, they don’t come in one shade but myriads of shades and hues – a subtle yellow, a bold red or deep burgundy. Fall celebrate colors, perhaps nature’s way of cheering the beginning of colder weather. Fall colors are warm and inviting and what better way of duplicating these hues than inviting them into your home. How? By using fall art and prints that capture the essence of the season. For instance Bright Autumn Day showcases trees touched by the glow of orange and red while Autumn Embers captures a more subdued autumn. What you pick depends on the mood and feel you’re going for.


Yellow Maple

Celebrate the Season 

In America, fall calls for celebration – pumpkin patch, hayrides, harvest fest, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Often, fall décor is employed to amp up the ambience. Apart from using pumpkins and gourds and fall flowers to build the atmosphere, consider using fall art and prints to add layers of interest. Transform the kitchen into an autumnal landscape of irresistible warmth and colors. Consider pictures of fall harvest such as playful Sharing the Harvest or thoughtful Harvest Blessings. Choices abound with pictures of wine, olives, prairie landscape and Tuscany harvest. 

Celebrate Fall One Room at a Time

Think of how many ways you can use fall décor and how many places you can go with that. We’re talking rooms in your house. The kitchen may be the most obvious place to deck out fall décor but don’t limit your fall magic to just one room. Cozy up your family room with autumn flowers or autumn landscapes or abstract art. Or the living room or the den for that matter. Follow your fancy and allow fall magic to invade your living spaces.

Use art to celebrate fall in all its glories!

Back to School Educational Wall Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 21. August 2014 14:33

 Jenn Ski Alphabet Zoo


 As summer rushes on with all the fun activities, school is not too far off. Back to school season can trigger a flurry of activities – time to get new shoes, new clothes, new lunch bags, new backpacks, and new school supplies. For the educator, a new school year gives you the chance to decorate the room for a new batch of students. For the parents, you may be looking to decorate your child’s room with educational art. If you’re looking to use educational wall art, consider these pointers:



School is Cool

As a teacher, you want school to be enjoyable and fun for the students. You want to create an environment where the student is constantly learning, in obvious ways or not. A classroom that has eye-catching visuals will not only appeal to the students, but it will spark interest in them to learn.  Cleverly chosen posters can make the classroom conducive to learning, even without the child knowing it. From the alphabet poster to the history of the United States, you can make your classroom a learning haven.  And the best teacher ever!

Classroom Chic

If you’re into themes for classrooms and don’t mind changing the decorative art from time to time, you can transform the room to reflect the theme you’ve in mind. Want to take the kids to outer space, introduce them to the magic of math, or the wonder of science? Whatever theme you pick, there’s bound to be a category of educational wall art for it.


Declaration of Independence Khaki

Grade Appropriate

An elementary student may enjoy the magical world of make-believe while a middle-school student may need to learn about the rules of self-respect. Age-appropriate educational posters abound. Take your pick – the selection is as varied as your students’ needs.

Your Kid’s Personal Space

Perhaps you’re a parent hoping to jump start your kid’s school year to a great start. You want to create a learning environment for your kid, right in his own space. Choose an eclectic assortment of educational posters or a cohesive theme of ideas. Surrounding your kid with educational posters will foster learning without trying too hard. The visual presence will impart knowledge, stimulate creativity and motivate your child.Periodic Table of Elements

Prepare for Mother Nature’s Annual Show with Autumn Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 14. August 2014 16:26

Before long, that old familiar nip will be in the air and leaf peeping season will be in full bloom. Personally, we’re looking forward to it, are you? If so, may we suggest that you prepare for the season by decorating your personal space with autumn art? In our experience, there is no better way to get ready for Mother Nature’s amazing show than that.

 Matthew Sievers Saturated Reflections Matthew Sievers’ Autumn Art

Matthew Sievers is one creative soul whose autumn art would be perfect for contemporary interior designs. His Seasons and Saturated Reflections wall art are truly unique. When stared at long enough, they almost make viewers feel as if they’ve been transported into the autumn woods. Sievers is also known to celebrate the change of seasons in his autumn art with giclee, stylized flowers, impasto, reflections and two-tone design elements. So his work would add quite a bit of visual interest to an otherwise drab space.

Lynn Krause’s Autumn Art

 James Wiens Autumn Forest I If you are looking for autumn art that has the warm colors of foliage front and center, pastel artist Lynn Krause’s work may be a good choice for you. She has an entire tree series that collectively shines a spotlight on the way that leaves change their colors. Some of her artwork, like Autumn Stream and Bright Autumn Day II, feature vivid yellows and oranges that are likely to really brighten up a place. Thus, you may want to put them in a bedroom or hallway with access to the outside.

James Wiens’ Autumn Art

Do you prefer the look of oil on wood or canvas instead of pastel and paper? Well then, work by contemporary artist, James Wiens may be more to your liking. He has two series of note, Autumn Trees and Autumn Forest. Both focus on fall foliage. However, the colors used in the paintings are much more subdued than those found in other artists’ work. Therefore, it would be feasible to hang them in rooms filled with early American furnishings.

To learn more about these artists’ work and find the ideal autumn art for your personal space, please visit Fulcrum Gallery.

Why Not Consider Decorating with Pop Art Featuring Andy Warhol?

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 6. August 2014 10:34


At its inception, the pop art movement brought relief to those that had grown tired of works created by abstract expressionists. From there, it went on to become one of the most popular art forms of the rebellious 50's and free-wheeling 60's. Today, designers’ passion for decorating with pop art featuring Andy Warhol helps to keep the love affair going.

Brooklyn Bridge in Orange and Blue by Andy Warhol

Warhol, for those readers that may have not been around during the early pop art movement, was born in the 1920's and died in the winter of 1987. His work was renowned the world over. The colorful, iconic images that he used helped to convey what was going on in pop culture, whether the activity was ultimately controversial or not. As such, his artwork often stirred strong feelings in fans and critics alike.

When decorating with pop art featuring Andy Warhol prints, there are several schools of thought to consider. For instance, some interior designers like to display Warhol’s art in areas that match the picture’s subject matter. Others prefer to put the artwork in unrelated, unexpected spots that help jolt viewers out of their rote activities. There are also those that focus more on the colors and patterns inherent in Warhol’s artwork than the actual subject matter.

Daisy by Andy WarholTake Andy Warhol’s Knives, c.1981-82 picture as an example. It could be hung up in a contemporary dining room or kitchen that has pops of black and cream coloring throughout. On the other hand, it could also be placed in a study or office with his series of Guns artwork and Skull, 1976 to show a love of mystery novels and forensic sciences.

There are other Andy Warhol prints on the market today that feature the artist’s quotes and images. One of our favorites is the one titled, Think Rich, Look Poor. It would look great on display in a bedroom changing area or walk-in closet. As would prints like It Takes a lot of Work to Figure Out How to Look So Good, Diamond Dust Shoes and Two Female Fashion Figures c. 1960.

To learn more about decorating with pop art featuring Andy Warhol, please contact us today. We have many prints of the artist’s work in stock as well as several other pop art prints of note.

World Culture Art: Tuscany in Your Home

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 10. July 2014 09:40

Warm up a rustic kitchen or family room with the earthy hues of Tuscany. From neutral wall paint colors to cultural art, you’ll feel like you’re relaxing in a foreign land. The best part of travel art is that it creates a home that is both cozy and worldly.

Tuscan art for your Kitchen


When decorating the kitchen with travel art of Tuscany, focus on images of wine bottles, grapes, apples and lemons. Or go for the bigger picture with a garden landscape. The blue skies in garden art complements the warm brown and orange tones of the Italian landscape.

Decorating ideas:

* Clay tiles, from your local home improvement store can be used as a back splash, or use the individually as drink coasters.

* Wooden decorative objects in the shape of pears, pepper mills or wine bottles add to ambiance.

* Try your hand at decorating a small area with a leafy green stencil. Keep linens including table settings and window treatments in off-white hues.

* Upgrade cabinet hardware French Country knobs and handles.

Black wire baskets and candle holders finish out the Tuscan look in your kitchen.

Tuscan Living Room


For a Tuscan theme, consider your rooms with beige or golden mustard walls. For pops of color in the room, use large golden yellow or burn orange candles.

Add details to every corner:

* Use small garden statues as bookends.

* Spice up the room with coffee-colored furniture or decorative objects.

* Decorate the largest wall with multiple pieces of Tuscan art.

* Use small images in wooden frames on shelves and end tables, to resemble personal travel photos.

* Decorate windowsills with leafy vines in stone vases.

* Create a focal point in the room with a tall garden vase to complete the worldly transition.

Shop your favorite Tuscan art today and save 50%! For more information on decorating a with culture art, please contact us


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