Decorating with Vintage Advertisements

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 4. April 2014 15:53

Including vintage advertisements in your decor is a sure way to add a splash of style to your surroundings. Take a little time to consider how you would most enjoy using these bits of art.

Reasons for popular appeal

Play Shuffleboard

People find vintage advertisements appealing for many different reasons. Some like them because they feature favorite products, or items remembered from years gone by. Others are interested in the artist, and others in the poster's design considerations. They enjoy the bold graphics and colors. Many people find the sense of familiarity and solidness that comes from mixing some old things into daily surroundings to be comforting in this a fast-paced digital age. Still others enjoy building a collection of these images around a particular theme or manufacturer - many vintage products have multiple prints available because often a newadvertisement was produced for each edition of a newspaper or magazine. This fact makes older ads a lot of fun to use in groups. 


Possible applications 

Coca-Cola Lady with DogVintage advertisements add a light touch to any area of the home. Just look for products which would be used in that area. It is easy to see how to integrate food products into the kitchen or dining areas; TV, snack and soft drink ads in the family room; grooming supplies in a bathroom; and tool or car advertising in the garage or work shop. Many businesses find themselves well-suited to decorating with vintage advertising: almost any restaurant, sales outlet, or manufacturer can easily choose posters appropriate to either the materials they use or what they produce. This catches the customer's interest and adds a sense of both stability and fun to the premises.


 Selecting your favorite prints

Appellation BoxerThe Good Life Shepherd's Pretzels

Decorating with vintage artwork can be done however you like. You may choose to simply select prints that appeal to you and make you happy and group them randomly, or work them into a display with vintage packages, toys, or decorations. Many people like to choose a particular artist or style and make a grouping of works around that theme. You may want to choose prints based on your own interests, a certain time period, or special memories from your family history. 

Play Shuffleboard

 No matter how you choose to start a collection of vintage advertisements, feel free to contact us for help in finding what you want in the sizes you need. 

Use Vintage Art in Decorating

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 14. March 2012 16:30

Interior decorators are hailing the comeback of vintage art in homes—if it ever went away. A print, poster or painting that has retained its appeal over the years is a safe bet when adding visual flair to a room. Professionals offer these suggestions for successfully incorporating the vintage into your favorite rooms:

A grouping is superior to a single item. But a hodge-podge is distracting; aim for a unified look, either by style, subject matter, era, or tonal quality.

Valais Cote D'Azur Africa

It doesn’t have to be genuinely old to be vintage. Reproductions serve the valuable function of keeping superior designs alive and in circulation. Also, reproductions greatly increase the choices available to create a pleasing display without breaking the budget. In this respect, it’s interesting to note how many bestselling reproductions were originally advertisements.


Don’t overlook artifacts as wall art. Old tools, keys, locks, windows, and cooking utensils have all been successfully re-purposed as art. The key is scale—giving large objects lots of room—and context: put rusty objects such as outdoor tools in casual rooms or porches. Furthermore, don’t try to clean them up too much! If you wanted to display new-looking tools, they’re available at the hardware store.

Meaningful artifacts are even better. Great-aunt Susie’s lace doilies don’t have to be heirloom quality to look superb mounted and framed. And anything that makes the past personal to us is to be treasured.

Use shadow boxes to display bulky or fragile items. This is especially useful in rooms that require frequent dusting.

Finally, don’t hesitate to display your personal collection of memorabilia. That’s what your living space is all about!

Let Fulcrum Gallery help you find just what you’re looking for. Contact us with your questions today.



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