Back to School Educational Wall Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 21. August 2014 14:33

 Jenn Ski Alphabet Zoo


 As summer rushes on with all the fun activities, school is not too far off. Back to school season can trigger a flurry of activities – time to get new shoes, new clothes, new lunch bags, new backpacks, and new school supplies. For the educator, a new school year gives you the chance to decorate the room for a new batch of students. For the parents, you may be looking to decorate your child’s room with educational art. If you’re looking to use educational wall art, consider these pointers:



School is Cool

As a teacher, you want school to be enjoyable and fun for the students. You want to create an environment where the student is constantly learning, in obvious ways or not. A classroom that has eye-catching visuals will not only appeal to the students, but it will spark interest in them to learn.  Cleverly chosen posters can make the classroom conducive to learning, even without the child knowing it. From the alphabet poster to the history of the United States, you can make your classroom a learning haven.  And the best teacher ever!

Classroom Chic

If you’re into themes for classrooms and don’t mind changing the decorative art from time to time, you can transform the room to reflect the theme you’ve in mind. Want to take the kids to outer space, introduce them to the magic of math, or the wonder of science? Whatever theme you pick, there’s bound to be a category of educational wall art for it.


Declaration of Independence Khaki

Grade Appropriate

An elementary student may enjoy the magical world of make-believe while a middle-school student may need to learn about the rules of self-respect. Age-appropriate educational posters abound. Take your pick – the selection is as varied as your students’ needs.

Your Kid’s Personal Space

Perhaps you’re a parent hoping to jump start your kid’s school year to a great start. You want to create a learning environment for your kid, right in his own space. Choose an eclectic assortment of educational posters or a cohesive theme of ideas. Surrounding your kid with educational posters will foster learning without trying too hard. The visual presence will impart knowledge, stimulate creativity and motivate your child.Periodic Table of Elements

Golf Art For Father's Day

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 5. June 2014 12:21

Father’s day was first proclaimed in 1910, but it was not until 1972 that it became a nationwide holiday. If you’re celebrating Father’s day, the question of gifts often comes up. Ideas abound, but if you know the special man in your life is an avid golfer or an aspiring one, why not consider golf art? It will be the perfect sentiment for a day designated to express appreciation, love and gratitude. Golf art will grace his walls and he will be reminded of the gift giver (yes, that's you!) every time he looks at it. Consider these golf art for dad:


Golf Scene

A beautiful golf course, set on rolling plains, beside a lake perhaps. Or a postcard-perfect picture of ice-capped mountains in the far distance with manicured greens, framed by trees. A picturesque turf-meets-surf scene set in Hawaii or one on the hills? The truth is pictures of golf courses are not just beautiful to look at, they offer an escape---the go-to place when a little dreaming is needed, perhaps when work becomes demanding or life is too much.




Vintage Golf Scene

Perhaps your dad appreciates antiques and throwbacks to the good old days. He collects antique golf paraphernalia and enjoys learning more about the history of golf. If that’s the case, why not consider vintage golf pictures? It can be one with a light humor like Free Golf (with the caption “Play golf free while getting your suit pressed.") or a single picture of golf clubs and golf balls in sepia tone. Vintage golf pictures make for a classic collection that will withstand the whims of change and style.


Golf Word Art

Words are clever little things. They can make you laugh; cry, pine, wishful or they can inspire or take you to that special place in your heart that no one can go. Golf word art uses words to express golf sentiments, whether they are observations that ring true or just telling as it is. For instance, Karen Tribett Golf (Golf: Where you yell “fore,” shoot “six,” write “five.”) may strike a chord with golfers.




Golf Shots Series

Capture the many faces and stances of golfers with golf art. From a picture of concentration to one of anticipation as the ball tees off, the golf shots series capture the different moods and stances well from the Sand shot to The Drive to The Putt. Buy a series to create that visual effect – a gift so priceless, it will make your dad proud.


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