Vincent Van Gogh's Paintings Are A Classic Choice for Home Decor

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 22. July 2012 13:00


Reproductions of Dutch post-Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh's paintings are some of the most sought-after for decoration--and for good reason. 

Van Gogh, who lived from 1853-1890, has inspired every generation of artists who have come after him, and the echoes of his work can be found not only in paintings but in other forms of art. The Expressionist movement is considered one of his "children" (he had no flesh-and-blood progeny) and without Van Gogh's influence, modern art today would be very different. But it's not only this venerable history that makes him popular today. 

The use of color in his paintings--in particular, his yellow and blue period work--make them naturally attractive for home decor.  Do you have a room that needs brightening? Even a windowless space feels sunny with a print of Van Gogh's Sunflowers on Gold or Les Irises

Sunflowers on Gold

Bedrooms or spaces you're looking to infuse with a peaceful feeling may do well with one of Van Gogh's Starry Night works--and he painted several versions, so you have plenty of choice. The Siesta, a painting of workers having a noontime nap, is another classic option for restful places. 

Starry Night

Would you like to freshen up your dining area or kitchen with some art? Van Gogh's body of work is, at more than 900 paintings, voluminous, and he painted several pictures of cafes, restaurants and food-related topics.  The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, At Night c. 1888 is a beautiful depiction of a late-night cafe, while Still Life with Blue Enamel Coffeepot, Earthenware and Fruit, is a gorgeous rendition of a breakfast table.  

Cafe Terrace at Night

Readers may appreciate a library hung with Van Gogh's book-related paintings. Van Gogh worked for a time as a librarian, and perhaps that's why he painted The Yellow Books, The Novel Reader, and Still Life with Oleander

Whichever room in your home or office you're seeking to decorate, a Van Gogh painting is never a bad choice. To browse our large selection of Van Gogh's paintings and other artwork, please visit our Web site,



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