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Pin Up Girl Art

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Pin Up Girl Artwork

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26 Items
Miss New York Jr. - Love Secrets Fine Art Print
Miss New York Jr. - Love Secrets
8" x 10"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $18.99
Folies-Bergere/Folies en Fetes, 1964 Fine Art Print
Folies-Bergere/Folies en Fetes, 1964
12" x 36"
Price: $42.99
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26 Items
Vintage pin-up girl posters are a popular form of art that depicts beautiful women. These works were originally developed as informal glamor pictures which were a highly sought-after form of popular culture. Although many of these works are considered seductive prints, they have featured a variety of important female actresses, fashion models, and other prominent members of celebrity life. However, in 1941, these celebrity photographs began to become vintage pin-up girl posters.
Many of these works are celebrity photographs. These images were the 'original' form of glamor picture and feature celebrities such as actresses and fashion models. Vintage pin-up girl posters that are valued today often feature such celebrities as Marilyn Monroe, as seen in the celebrity photograph, 'Marilyn Monroe, Poolside' by Frank Worth, although many others were also featured.

Although it isn't the primary purpose of this art category, many works of vintage pin-up girl posters are highly seductive prints. These pop art images like 'Bus Stop' by Art Frahm and 'Surfer Girl' by Scott Westmoreland are two examples of how these works transitioned from celebrity photographs to the pin-up girl that modern audiences are familiar with.

Vintage pin-up girl posters are some of the most popular forms of pop art images and they have been reproduced in many aspects of modern culture. For many people, these works are iconic images of the artwork that was developed during World War II, where soldiers could 'pin-up' these glamor pictures. Vintage pin-up girl posters, celebrity photographs, seductive prints, pop art images, glamor pictures

Dating back to the 1890's people have enjoyed gazing up at their favorite models and actresses. These were often cut out of newspapers or magazines. Many of these vintage pin up girl posters look like something that would have been painted onto the side of an old fashion warplane. Whether you are a restaurant owner, or just an admirer, these vintage pin up girls are a perfect addition to your walls. Prominent artists in this genre include Art Frahm and Joyce Ballantyne.
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Pates Baroni, 1921 Fine Art Print
Pates Baroni, 1921
24" x 32"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $77.99
Martini Rossi Fine Art Print
Martini Rossi
24" x 36"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $83.99
Vintage Christmas Signs I-Candy Cane Coffee Fine Art Print
Vintage Christmas Signs I-Candy Cane Coffee
12" x 12"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $22.99
The Family Fine Art Print
The Family
12" x 14"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $27.99
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