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Framed Unique Sillier than Sally Wall Art

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Peaches & Cream Fine Art Print
Peaches & Cream
23" x 27"
Price: $252.99
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Sillier Than Sally (Sally Walsh) is a professional artist born and based Sydney. He’s also and illustrator and designer. Sally is a collector of all things vintage, a champion of bright colors, an overseas adventure addict, and a shenanigan starter ….with slight magpie/hoarding tendencies. She likes dancing like there is no tomorrow, bear hugs, laughing till her sides about burst, a bloody good storm, spending quality one-on-one time with animals, being at her best and painting in her studio into the early hours of the morning. She has a beautiful son who has completely and sneakily stolen her heart. Her earliest illustrating memories are of creating sun and rainbow filled love notes for her parents, filling her primary school projects to the brim with colorful drawings, art journaling with derwent pencils and fancy paper before “Art Journaling” existed.

She has since grown up and is now obsessed with prisma colored pencils rather than derwents. Her creative art and design business called “Sillier Than Sally” was born in 2011. Now her days are happily filled with creating art and working with some fabulous clients on projects of all sizes and shapes. Sally has been involved in several group art exhibitions in Melbourne, Sydney, and a few in New York. She creates watercolor art, pet portraits and wildlife art and commission figurative mixed media canvas art that hang in private and corporate collections in New Zealand, Australia, Canada USA, and Ireland. Sally designs bright, funky and fun advertising campaigns, and creates new brand identities to give small business.
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