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Movie posters have been a long-standing tradition for the film industry dating back to the turn of the 20th century. In those days, movie studios crafted colorful artwork depicting memorable scenes from their films for the sake of promotion. These film posters were never meant to be collected or preserved and some were quite simple in design, showing only the name of the movie and the cast in plain text. But in the past century, this form of silver screen art has become the dominant form of advertising and marketing movies in theaters throughout the world.
Movie Genres
Dance Good 1
Godfather Watercolor

Making the Most of Your Movie Poster Choices

Before you choose movie posters to display in your home, it's important to make sure they are displayed in a way that enhances the design choices of the room. For example, a room filled with antique shop and flea market finds should include a vintage movie poster. Choose frames that will not only complement the colors of your space, but also the design and coloring of the poster. When hanging a group of posters together, try to find different sizes and place them diagonally to each other to make a pleasing aesthetic. Avoid choosing garishly colored movie posters with subtle wall paint colors because of the distraction it will cause to guests. Ideally, the poster should be a highlight of the room, but should never dominate or contrast sharply with the theme you've chosen for the room. By finding the right movie poster to complement your home decor, your living space can become enriched and attractive to anyone with a love for cinema.

Audrey Hepburn movies
More Movie Related Prints
Unchained 1
Cinema Art
Finding the right movie prints for your home can be an art in itself. The key is to match movie genres and color schemes with the style and layout of any given room in your house. Movie posters with dark color schemes or illustrations probably will not suit a room that is well-lit or painted in brighter hues. Likewise, comedy movie prints will most likely clash inside a room furnished in a rustic country style. Choosing the right film poster can really set the tone of the home decor in your living space.
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