Pop Art Will Open Your Eyes And Free You To Explore The Possibilities

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 23. October 2012 09:55

Three Flags


A popular decorating theme these days takes us back to the age of flower power and free love.  The pop culture of the 60s always brings back memories of a simpler time in our history.  We wanted nothing more than peace, love and rock and roll music.  Today our children have found the same delight that we did with shaggy area rugs, beaded door curtains and Papisan Chairs.

The art of this time was eye-catching and bold with the style of artist Andy Warhol being one of the most popular.  We also decorated our walls with life-sized comic strips, in the style of Roy Lichtenstein and giant cans of tomato soup.  The iconic peace sign was plastered everywhere we looked including our living room wall.


This time in our recent past was full of optimism and hope as we saw great promise in our future.  We took a man to the moon and a generation of young girls fell madly in love with the Beatles.  Music played a big part in our lives and we saw an explosion of musical talent that we would often remember in pieces of art.  

The artists of that time made great strides forward and took much pleasure in rocking the art establishment back on it's heels.  Some traditionalists simply could not understand how text on canvas could be considered art.  But we knew the power of those words and how they motivated us to be the best that we could be. It was also a time in our history when art sometimes told stories of sorrow and pain.

The Pop Art period was one of stretching boundaries and joyful experimentation.  We expressed ourselves on paper, canvas and even spray-painted on walls.  This was a time when rules did not apply.


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