Spring into Color!

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 12. March 2015 14:13

Spring Art

Before all the snow melts and the trees begin to sprout new leaves, you can feel Spring stirring within. It may start as a subtle smell in the air that growth is coming, or a warmth from your gut that just seems to know. Seasonal Art has a unique way of activating and enlivening these natural feelings. Consider some of the art options below, and then play with your imagination until you find the right fit for your home's new Spring ambiance!


All about Green

Perhaps the color most associated with Spring, green represents growth and newness. Green is also soothing to the mind! Add splashes of green to existing walls with small, economical art prints like “Summer Field II,” which is only $8.39 for a twelve-by-twelve print. Or, go big and add a green statement painting to your living room! The “Spring Leaves” fine art print by artist Teri Jonas looks fantastic in print or canvas.


Multi-Color Joys

Spring welcomes all colors! If your home is already beautified by many different colors, adding Spring vibes will be easy with fine art floral prints. Whether you're looking for a traditional touch with realistic flowers and landscapes, or a more modern style with abstract floral imagery, there are always many options to fit your home decor.


Purple Says It All



From lavender to deep plum, purple is a beautiful natural color, rarely seen during the colder months of the year. Purples often represent royalty and spirituality, and when artistically portrayed in your home, these tones create feelings of richness, within and without. “Spring Song 1” by artist Helena Alves is a great example of traditional meets modern with variant hues of purple!


Looking for a different color? Yellows often look amazing in the kitchen, while blues are great for bedrooms! Fulcrum Gallery online allows you to search for artwork by color, season, artist, price, and beyond! For more information, contact us for all of your fine art needs!



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