Children's Art: Bringing Kids’ Rooms to Life

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 16. January 2015 09:01


One of the most enjoyable parts of having a child is decorating his or her bedroom. Before their babies are even born, many new parents design a nursery with artwork and accessories that they hope will appeal to their new arrival. They might choose soothing colors and quiet themes to help the baby (and the new parents!) relax and sleep. As they grow and their eyesight develops, babies are drawn to more visually complex pictures and objects.


For toddlers and older children, playing and learning are their two most important occupations. They may spend as much time playing in their rooms as they do sleeping. When decorating their bedrooms, you can choose children's art from among popular characters, interests, or hobbies. You could design a space that incorporates all of their favorites, or pick a central theme or object, such as a traditional children’s story, and have the artwork complement your theme.



Exposing children to different types of art at a young age can help inspire their own creativity. Furthermore, they will feel more comfortable in a room personalized with their specific interests in mind. When decorating your child’s room, you can explore color and design to create a unique space that appeals to both of you.


BeBall FourSmile


For instance, encourage storytelling and imaginative play by displaying art with characters from beloved books and movies. This can motivate children to recall scenes from stories and to expand on them, creating their own fantasy world right in their bedrooms. Don’t forget the playroom or family room, two more locations where you could decorate with children's art pieces.


One of the greatest types of art we offer for children is educational art. Every child learns at a different pace and hanging educational art in their surroundings can influence their learning. Alphabet posters, animal posters, counting posters and more are a great fit for a child's room. These types of posters make learning colorful and fun with pictures of the what they are teaching. Educational posters brings learning to life and is something they can use as they grow up and for their own future children. 

Alphabet Zoo

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