Art In Focus: The Popularity Of Photography

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 24. August 2015 10:50

Ever since the creation of the first camera in the 1800’s the new art form of photography has been rapidly growing in popularity. Once a cumbersome and difficult device to use, camera’s have advanced well beyond their original design and purpose. Photography has given way to allowing artists to capture real life instances and things that gather and evoke just as much emotion, if not more so, that paintings can produce. Photography is not limited to a canvas, as it opens up the possibilities of capturing the world as it is, documenting historical events, and offering human reflection as a picture is worth a thousand words.


Captures The World As It Is

Photography captures the wonder and beauty of the world and offers it to everyone to experience and see. World wide traveling photographers offer windows into exciting new places and environments by shrinking the world and making it more accessible. Ansel Adams was known for photographing the natural wonders of the United States in breath taking photographs that pull the viewer right into the scenery of winding canyons, as in his stunning black and white nature photograph, “Canyon de Chelly National Monument.” Wildlife photographs like Ron D’Raine’s endearing photo of two Giraffes entitled “Makulu” captures the tender heartedness of the animal kingdom.



Tropical SunsetTropical Sunset


Documents Historical Events

Photography has aided in capturing some of the most profound moments in history so that those who may not have been able to experience that moment may see for themselves the historical gravity of the time. One of the most famous photographs ever taken, Charles C. Ebbets photo, “Lunchtime Atop a Skyscraper, c.1932,” forever stiles a moment in time, as construction workers take a lunch break from atop the unfinished Rockefeller Center, their feet dangling over the city of New York far below during the Great Depression. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most influential and inspiring men in history, and his speeches were captured on film like in the black and white photograph “Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speaking (#8)”.  There are so many more important and breathtaking historical photographs that inspire and evoke change.

 New York Firefighters / Ground Zero

New York Firefighters/Ground Zero

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words


As cliché of a saying as it is, photography produces pictures that raise question and wonder about the movement and found within a photograph. Photography has documented the human condition in its rawest and purest form. Captured in a hotel room, the scene backlit through bright curtained windows, the photograph “John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy” by Hank Wlaker, conveys the late President sitting on the edge of a bed across from Robert F. Kennedy, both shrouded in the moody dimness of a shadow. The photograph, “Hot Italian Pizza,” by artist unknown, is a beautiful representation of humanity, as an Italian pizza shop owner is captured through the neon lit and advertised window of his pizza parlor, a young woman looking over his shoulder as he works. The collection of black and white photographs is certainly worth a thousand words.

Hot Italian Pizza

Hot Italian Pizza

It is clear that photography is a vast and encompassing art form. It has no limitations, capturing some of the most breathtaking scenery and wildlife from around the world, to documenting key scenes from important events in history. The greatest part though, is that each picture  is worth a thousands words and allows for endless wonder and interpretation to abound. No matter what style of photography you prefer, there is sure to be a photograph that you will want to proudly display.



Comments (2) -

Rodrigo Cottillion
Rodrigo Cottillion United States
9/16/2015 2:33:00 PM #

Your website is perfect. So happy I found this.


Chrystal Stieb
Chrystal Stieb United States
9/24/2015 10:20:27 AM #

Your website is excellent. Thanks.


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