Use St. Patrick’s Day To Incorporate Green Into Your Home Decor

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 3. March 2016 09:00

green art collage

Green art is an excellent way to bring life into your home, and what better time to do so than one of the liveliest days of the year, St. Patrick’s Day? The color green differs in quality and mood depending on shade, creating an array of decoration possibilities that is practically infinite. Maybe you’re a St. Patrick’s Day fanatic or into the peaceful vibe nature brings, or maybe you just love the color. Whatever your motivation, adding green to your home décor adds a fresh note to even the drabbest of walls. It is a choice you won’t regret.

green bedroom

Quite a versatile color, green can evoke life in medium to dark shades or convey a more whimsical quality in brighter hues, such as lime. St. Patrick’s Day embraces green’s entire spectrum, with art offerings including a variety of colors that can all be considered called green. You’re not just limited to art, however—something as simple as adding a plant or two can do wonders on its own. Life speaks to life, and plants will surely bring the energy level in a room way up. If trying to engage family members in a lively discussion, place plants in your dining or living room. Each is a setting designed to put people at ease and socialize.

framed lucky artBorn Lucky
 Leah Flores

What happens if you are a notorious plant neglector? Don’t let go of the lively family discussion ideal just yet—many things resemble or remind people of plants and don’t need to be watered twice a week. Check out plant-inspired artwork. For Saint Patrick’s day, this is easy—just sample any one of the many prints with four-leaf clovers and rainbows. Or, if you want a lot more green and a lot less rainbow, check out simpler art pieces that focus on that single color spectrum. Search for prints that convey only four-leaf clovers or prints with four-leaf clovers and other green items in the background (they exist—you don’t need to look hard to find them).

green kitchen decor

If you’re more career-oriented than family oriented, green is still a wonderful choice for you. Plants can make your study a more productive area, inspiring you to push through that last bit of work you’re sure you don’t have the energy to complete. If you dream of pots of gold, look for festive St. Patrick’s Day prints that incorporate them. Toss some good luck into your equation, too, with a bonus four-leaf clover or two. Some prints out there are stuffed with as many St. Patrick’s Day items as possible, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a print with your preferred combination. 

No matter what kind of a person you are, you’re likely to respond well to your greener environment. This is because green has so many qualities that work in different ways. Research has proven that green has an array of positive effects. Bring green into your home and note the effects on your mood.

Add Tranquility To Your Life With Rose Quartz And Serenity Blue

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 18. February 2016 15:03

SB and RQ

We already said hello to 2016, but not many people have ushered in the colors of the year, serenity blue and rose quartz. In a world of political turmoil and everyday stress, these pastel colors can calm us down and speak peace into our lives. Now is the best time to incorporate the colors of the year into your home décor. Moreover, this is an ideal year for colors because there is not just one but two colors of the year for 2016!


Tranquility And Warmth

Rose quartz and serenity blue were chosen as 2016’s colors of the year for the feelings of tranquility and warmth that they evoke. We can all use a little more peace in our lives, so serenity blue is a timely color for the year. If the winter blues are getting to you, a touch of rose quartz will cheer you right up. Add these colors to your home décor for a greater sense of order and calmness. If you are looking forward to spring, or if you are looking for a piece of art that majors on the colors of the year, check out Sung Kim’s “Covered Bridge in Spring.” Blossoming trees highlight shades of rose in the distant Blue Mountains, and a silver-blue river flows peacefully under a covered wooden bridge.


A Duo For Relaxation

It is a bit unusual for there to be two colors of the year, but when you look at rose quartz and serenity blue together you will understand why they were chosen as a duo. These two colors complement each other perfectly, and together they accomplish more than they could alone. This is illustrated in Klaus Strubel’s “Paradise Dawn,” a glorious painting of a beachside sunrise. Swirls of rose quartz and serenity blue invite you to relax in the Adirondack chairs at the water’s edge and soak in the beauty of nature.


Accent With Frames

Since the colors of the year are so light, it is best to accentuate them with a frame. A gold frame will draw attention to the artwork and can be added to either of the pictures mentioned above as well as most of the artwork available from Fulcrum Gallery. You may also consider a black frame for a sleek finishing touch.


Color Pairings

What other shades can be paired with the colors of the year? Serenity blue stands out against dark blue and black; it can also be used with white or dark grey. For a different flavor, rose quartz can be matched with various shades of pink and red. Both serenity blue and rose quartz can be used with other pastel shades, such as green and yellow. Of course, the color combinations you choose will affect the mood of your environment. For example, a room done in pale yellow with the colors of the year will have a light and cheery air, while a room with white and pastel blue will seem nautical, and a room that adds the colors of the year to black or navy blue will feel serious and professional. Any of these combinations is magnificent; the choice is up to you and what atmosphere you want to create. Have fun and be creative with serenity blue and rose quartz this year!


Decking The Halls With Christmas Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 17. December 2015 11:15

Christmas is a joyous time of year; it has evolved from a strictly religious holiday to a worldwide holiday of giving and charity. It is one of the most recognizable holidays with many iconic symbols and themes. From Santa, to snowmen, to Christmas trees. Christmas art is both stunning and special to many during the holidays. Decorating your house and trimming the tree and time honored traditions passed down from generation to generation.


Santa Claus

What rich history and fond memories come from the image of Santa Claus. No Christmas is complete without Santa, and what is more endearing than Santa art from Peggy Abrams to Donna Race some of the most renowned artists of our time, and their detailed renditions of Santa in all his glory. He brings us presents in the night with his sleigh and rain-deer shimmying down the chimney and feasting on our milk and cookies to fuel him for the rest of his journey.


Christmas Tree

Under the tree come presents. And in the stockings come treats, and that a lovely piece of art “Santa's Stocking” by Peggy Abrams fine art print is, when we think of presents and the tree we think of that big box of special dreams we asked Santa to bring us, and dream at night in hopes of getting what we so desired. Stocking hung are an age-old tradition.


Santa And Snowman 3

Santa And Snowman 3 by TheMacneil Studio

Christmas Scenes

Sledding in the park is one of the fun things that you can do in the snow Remembering your time out in the snow with your friends while you mom cooked the evening dinner, with the sun setting on the fine white snow your shivering fingers and toes.


Winter Art

The winter scenes portrayed by the legendary Ansel Adams, in “Pine Forest in the Snow, Yosimite Nation” is one of his most inspired photos and memorable themes in his trademark black and white the rich detail and flow will make you want his whole collection.



Lets build a snowman, or look at a great picture on the wall while we stay inside warm and cozy. Mary Ann June's “Snow Folk Faith” is a warm and inviting fine art print that is sure to become a family heirloom.

Christmas time is a wonderful time of the year, making your house a home with fine art and starting your own new traditions with your family and children is sure to create lasting memories that you kids will be able to talk about for years to come, and when they begin to have families of their own they can pass down your traditions and start a few of their own.

Christmas Scenes

Showing Thankfulness Through Thanksgiving Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 19. November 2015 11:30

Thanksgiving Art

Thanksgiving is an American Holiday celebrating the harvest of the year, it is a time when family and friends gather together and feast on the harvest foods. Traditional fare is baked turkey, pumpkin pie and many other detectible treats. For over 50 years even pro football has become a tradition. It is the official start to the holiday season, which runs through the New Year. Art is a wonderful way to show your Thanksgiving spirit, and to make the final touches on your dinner all that more colorful. Thanksgiving art features images of the feast, as well as the fall season and all its grandeur.


Turkey Art

Turkey Art

That iconic bird that rarely flies through the sky. The turkey was almost the national bird in America but the eagle won out, now he is just our tasty dinner during this festive time of year. Sometimes a punch line and a sucker, but forever etched in our minds as a lasting and true tradition in America. Getting this fine art is easy at the turkey art page, where you will find classics by Claude Monet and Leo Stands. Both tasteful and classic in design, these pieces will surely set forth the classy and heartwarming tone to your dinner, with friends and family around and the hearth burning with radiant heat, the smells of turkey coming from the oven and warm apply pie cooling on the table, you will be sure to warm their hearts and fill their bellies.


Pumpkin Art

HarvestSecond only to the turkey, the pumpkin is a symbol of thanksgiving and harvest time, the gourd can be used in so many ways. pumpkin art go beyond scary Halloween prints and move you to a more classic and warm look at the pumpkin from harvest to elegant table settings you will find them all here. From Lisa Keys to William Vanderdasson you will find warm and tasteful art work to bring your walls alive. Inspire your guests and make them feel at home with some of the stunning works on the pages of Your guests will not go home unfulfilled. They will remember their time there with fondness and warmth for months to come.


Thanksgiving Art

Dee Dee	Thank You

Classic Thanksgiving art is always a welcome sight for your quests. Aside from the classic pumpkin and turkey there are many other festive art works that symbolize this happy time of year. Our thanksgiving art category is full of wonderful choices. You can choose from classics such as Jane Wooste Scott's “Vibrant Vistas” to Danna Harvey's “Thanksgiving” to add splendor to any wall. Turning your house into a work of art is easy to do with any of these classic and timeless pieces.

As Americans settle in for a long winter season, the kick of that begins with Thanksgiving, a true tradition that brings family together from far and wide with great comfort food and superb love. Setting your traditions in motion is as simple as getting great artwork to inspire your mind and warm you soul.

Accenting With Art Work by Loran Speck

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 5. November 2015 16:51

“Italian Feast” by Loran Speck is a beautiful and exquisite piece. With his various works of art, Speck would rather the painting explain itself than with an actual written out explanation. He creates highly detailed pieces and has been often compared to great Dutch masters because of his astonishing use of color and light. 

Make a bold statement


Bold Statement

To incorporate this painting into a Dining Room, Breakfast Room or even a Kitchen would be no challenge at all. With the paintings wide variety of rustic color, you could accent this piece with almost any colored picture frame. You could use a dark red picture frame to bring out the tablecloth and red wine or you could use a dark brown to contrast with all of the tans, beiges and creams that are found throughout the picture. If you have a bright or upbeat color for the walls, the painting might not work as well in the room. You would need a calmer, more neutral color for this piece to make a statement on its own and to match the other décor. You want to make sure the colors are more subtle rather than overpowering. Whether kept for yourself or gifted to another, “Italian Feast” can be a beautiful centerpiece to a room.


Loran Speck	Italian Feast

Italian Feast by Loran Speck




One thing Speck really wanted to achieve through his paintings was to give off a sense of who he was. With this being said, he loved simplicity and quiet intimacy. This is definitely a great interpretation of who he and how great he was at still life’s, shown with the painting “Italian Feast”. This is a simple, yet bold piece. It is not too busy with many different elements and it doesn’t get lost with too many different colors. This piece is a perfect balance between simple objects and portraying them in a beautiful way.


Obvious Popularity

Loran Speck intended for the piece “Italian Feast” to exude simplicity and for this same reason, it gained its popularity. He used a beautiful color scheme and wide variety of brush strokes to interpret his vision onto paper. There is no doubt that many people love this work of art for its simplicity as well as many other reasons. It is left up to the imagination to determine the purpose and intention this piece perceives. Someone doesn’t need to know the artist or the paintings background to fall in love with this work of art. Along with enjoying how it looks, people also enjoy the unspoken meaning behind the painting. With the endless possibilities of how to decorate with this piece, there is no question why it is a favorite among many.


Loran Speck	Confit Jar with Pears & Grapes

Loran Speck brings still lives to life because of how he uses many details for his work. “Italian Feast” is just one of many still lives that Speck has created and it is beautiful nonetheless. Although there are and have been many artists in the world, Loran Speck does a good job of setting himself apart from the others through his work.



Decorating With Unique Decor

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 29. October 2015 09:08

There are many different ways you can spice up your home with works art. Ranging from a child’s room to the kitchen, unusual and unique decor can make any room stand above the rest.

Unique and Unusual Art


Creative Kids Room

Almost all kids enjoy fun things to look at while they are in their room. Their room is probably cluttered with toys and the walls might be filled with their homemade artwork. I think most kids can agree that they love to watch cartoons. If it’s not watching actual cartoons, most kids like the way cartoon characters look. If your child has a love for cartoon looking characters and you’d like to incorporate cartoon posters into their bedrooms somehow, has a wide variety of cartoon art to choose from. These pieces of art would look great hanging above your child’s bed or on the opposite wall where they keep all of their own artwork. Finding a piece of art that matches your kid’s color scheme won’t be hard because there are many different colored cartoon posters to choose from.


Paul Brent	Cabana Flamingo

Cabana Flamingo by Paul Brent


Casual Chic

In our own bedrooms we like to create a safe place for ourselves. Somewhere that is filled with things that represent us and who we are as a person as well as the things we love to look. Your bedroom is a place that you can go to calm down when life gets hectic so you should decorate it with things that make you happy. What better way to create a calming environment than decorating with artwork? If you are fond of calm yet beautiful pieces of art, casual chic art is just for you. Many of the art at offers a variety of colored art that can match your color preferences. The best part about casual chic art is that two or three pieces in a room are not going to overpower each other because they are individually simple on their own and accent each other. Add flair to that bare light blue wall in your room and add a casual chic art piece.


 Swan Papel	BluebirdSwan Papel	Red Bird

Unusual Teen

There’s something about teenagers that makes them feel the urge to express themselves anyway possible. Some teens spend a lot of time in their rooms and don’t mind not ever leaving if they didn’t have to. If your teen has a liking for unique and unusual things, artwork can be a great way to let them show that liking. From landscapes to unusual objects, any type of art can be a good way to bring life to a bedroom. Allow your teen to add flair to the study area in their room or beside their bed, by adding unique art that they would enjoy. Many artworks have different colors in them and would look great with any neutral color scheme.


Whether it’s for you or for someone you know, art is a way that people can jazz up the rooms of their home. With endless possibilities on how to accent a room, consider cartoon art for your kids or unusual art for your teen.



Halloween Decorations Gone Wild!

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 22. October 2015 09:00

Halloween is celebrated in October, on the 31st of the month. It is rich in tradition and fun. The modern way to celebrate this holiday is to dress up in costumes and have parties or “trick or treat” throughout the neighborhood, door to door seeking sweet treats. All Hallows' Eve preceded All Saint's Day in Christian religion. But like many religious holidays are celebrated by many others and transcends religion these days.

Halloween Art




Paintings showing festive Halloween scenes are the perfect way to decorate for this holiday, for many centuries folks have been decorating their houses with scary and frightful things, and wall art is a good place to start, it can set the mood of a room and make the scary come alive.  A great way to show this is through a solid work of art and Halloween art is a great place to start your search, there are wonderful paintings such as “Spooky House” by the MacNeil Studio. At you will not be disappointed with the quality of art or the layout of the site, with its easy navigation and easy checkout.

 Grace Popp	Spooky Chalkboard III

Spooky Chalkboard III by Grace Popp


Jack O'lantern

Pumpkins carved up turn into scary Jack O'Lantern's. Why get your hands all messy? When a tasteful yet equally scary piece of art will do the trick. Or use a fine art print as your inspiration to create your own real three D art. Such pieces on this page jack o'lantern art will stand the test of time. “Ghostly Gourds” by Norman Rockwell, is a time-honored classic that would be good year round. Tastefully place that piece in your kitchen or hall and make year round memories of this wonderful fall holiday. Halloween can remain a state of mind year round with these reminders.


William Vanderdasson	HalloweenHalloween by William Vanderdasson


Pumpkin Art

Pumpkins are synonymous with Halloween but they are also synonymous with the fall season. What great artwork there in pumpkin art. Harvest time is a wonderful time of year the sky is blue and the sun is warm during the day, and cool at night, picking pumpkins in the field before the first frost hits. “Grandpa's Pumpkins” from Jack Sorenson with the little grandson and his dog eagerly looking on with anticipation while grandpa collects the field’s bounty. Pumpkin art is a perfect way to celebrate this amazing time of the year. Make great memories by adding these quality works of art to your collection. You will be amazed by how impressed your friends and family will by these paintings. You can tell them where you got them and how they can get great quality works of art for themselves.


Halloween is a special time of year for kids and adults alike, dressing up and trick or treating, decorating the house in scary fashion and enjoying a good scare or two. Harvesting the fields spoils and getting ready for a long cold winter are some of the many memorable times. Gorgeous artwork is as special and heartwarming accent to any decor.

Never Let Summer End With Summer Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 8. October 2015 15:03

Summer art at

As the hot summer months start to wind down and you hang up your swimsuit and sunhat it can be sad to say goodbye to the sunny beach vibes of summer. But who says summer has to end once the leaves begin to change and the weather cools off? Keep the sun and fun of summer going strong through out the changing seasons with some warm summer prints. Summer art is perfect for a tropical themed bathroom or a restful beachy guest room. No matter where you hang it, every time you gaze at them, it’ll be like you’re lying out on the beach in Hawaii sipping on a refreshing Mai Tai and feeling the warm sandy grains between your toes.


Tropical Beachside Tranquility 

Nothing transports you back to the relaxing feelings of summer quite like a serene view of a tropical paradise. Artists capture all of the warmth and relaxing vibes from tranquil paintings of beachside scenery. Artists capture both realistic scenes and create a dreamy view of paradise with vintage appeal. Feel like you’re lounging around in a gently swinging hammock surrounded by a tropical oasis all year long with Joe Sambataro’s painting “Summer Breeze.” In a very different style, American Flat’s fun vintage styled travel poster entitled “Summer Loving” jet sets you to the Hawaiian tropics, capturing the scene of a couple paddle boarding in the crystal blue waters of a private cove. These paintings make for great additions in the bathroom or guest room that will transport you to an island getaway every time you gaze upon them.

 Klaus c. Dietrich	Chilling ZoneChilling Zone by Klaus C. Dietrich


Classic Summer Scenes

Summer art doesn’t have to be all about the beach and artists do this through capturing a variety of summer scenes. Classical paintings that evoke the feelings of summer from a breezy picnic to a romp through a field of sunflowers can be appreciated all year round.  “Summer Breeze” by Richard Judson, is an impressionistic styled painting of a woman in a white dress carrying a parasol, a warm breeze ruffling her hair as she turns to look back at her young companion. “Summer Blooms” by David Short captures a rustic Tucson scene of rows of cheerful yellow sunflowers, a bright blue sky hanging overhead, and a white Tuscan farmhouse sitting in the background. With bright and vivid colors, these summery paintings are perfect all year round.


David Short	Summer BloomsSummer Blooms by David Short  


Bright Artwork for Every Season

Fall and winter are beautiful seasons, but sometimes the dreary cold weather can get you down. Summery artwork can help beat the winter blues. Featuring bright and vivid scenery, you’ll feel the hot summer sun beating down and warming you up even when it’s a rainy downpour or a blizzard outside. The clusters of red wild flowers blossoming up from the wispy grass in a field in Ian Cook’s painting “Summer Begins,” is like summer breaking through the cloudy skies on a cold winters day. Lift your spirits and listen to a tree full of bright birds twitter in the summer sun with William Vanderdasson’s painting “Summer Friends.”


Ian Cook	Summer Begins

Summer Begins by Ian Cook


Visually Interesting, Timeless Ways to Decorate

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 14. September 2015 11:22

Sepia Art

Sepia tones weren’t always looked at as part of up-to-the-minute, design schemes. They started out as a necessity. People harvested cuttlefish from the sea and used some of them to make ink. Over the years, the ink was used to create many different things. As such, it eventually found its way into the hands of photographers. They added it to their work in the hopes of increasing visual interest and longevity. Their efforts paid off and sepia toned pictures became very popular. Today, people are still using them to decorate their homes and offices. Although there are no framing or matting rules, most people choose to keep the overall look down-to-earth. Thus, sepia photography is often paired with frames and matting that matches or compliments the images’ natural tones. Also, people no longer feel the need to restrict their displays to images of the past.


Alan Blaustein	Golden Gate Bridge II


Golden Gate Bridge II

Alan Blaustein



Consequently, sepia tones are creeping into contemporary artists’ photos too. For example, it is common to find them in collections of wildlife photography by artists like Susann Parker, Barry Hart, Monte Nagler, Tony Stromberg and Wendy Caro.  It is also seen in bodies of work that focus on flowers, trees, architecture, waterscapes, transportation, business and more. So modern minded decorators have no shortage of geometric shapes, tones, textures and themes to work with when it comes to sepia photography. Of course the tones are still used to recreate the feel of bygone days as well. The list of fine examples includes Al Capone’s Wanted Poster, Tennis on the Wings, Vintage Football, Rosie O’Grady Firetruck and Jim Christensen’s Train Series. Each would certainly have a place in homes or businesses with a penchant for nostalgia. For instance, the Tennis on the Wings photo might look good next to model planes, antique altimeters or vintage rackets.


Alan Majchrowicz	Tides and Waves

Tides and Waves

Alan Majchrowicz


The Creative Cheer of Artist Michael Mullan Prints

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 10. September 2015 11:28

From bathroom to bonus room,  Michael Mullan's art prints are perfect for adding creative cheer and inspiration to rooms in your home. Mullan grew up in Chicago and currently lives in Woodstock, Vermont. He works as a graphic designer and illustrator and he enjoys playing the violin and guitar. Michael Mullan went to Millikin University and earned a BFA in graphic design. He also has a MFA in illustration from SCAD. Mullan's creations are published as wall art. His art is also displayed on fabrics, dishware and more. These can be found in quality stores such as Bloomingdale's, Hallmark, and Target. Mullan's art has a special way of speaking across generations and lifestyles by adding modern flare to classic themes. To read more about Michael Mullan's accomplishments, click here.


Enhance the creative cheer of the most necessary room in your house with Dancing Bubbles I. This is an art print of a bathroom sink full of water with bubbles in the background. The print is made of light blues, beiges and browns. Hanging this art print in your bathroom not only adds a complimentary decor, but also brings a relaxing and soothing feel. This print sets the mood of the bathroom because it has words like "calming" and "soothing". Dancing Bubbles I features a simple, fun print with gorgeous earthy hues of blues and browns for relaxing in your bathroom. 


Be Happy

Dancing Bubbles IHere is Where


Spice up your kitchen decor with splashes of deep reddish brown. Many of Michael Mullan's kitchen art prints include phrases like "A cup of love" and "Cooking is love made edible". These prints will bring love into the room and make it more family friendly. Most of Mullan's kitchen prints use red, black, white and light blue. The simplistic colors of these pieces make it easier to one to match your kitchen and choose a finish as well.  


With the wonderful hues of light sage and aqua, Mullan's prints like the Night Owl II print is perfect for children's rooms and sun rooms. This art print shows a owl perched on a tree branch under the moon. Right next to the owl's feet in small letters are the words "GOODNIGHT SLEEP TIGHT". The colors are light and compliment each other.

Framed Love Knows No Distance


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