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James Franco Art

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James Franco Artwork

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Midnight Matinee Fine Art Print
Midnight Matinee
36" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $82.99
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James Franco is only 36 years old, but he started acting two decades ago and has dozens of movies under his belt, including some great ones. He made his big break with the movie Flyboys and this is why most of the James Franco Posters feature him playing the role of Blaine Rawlings. It was the first chance he got to make a long lasting impression and he made the most of it, with the next roles only consolidating his reputation.
Flyboys was his first triumph but he persevered and the next time he stepped into the spotlight, it was an entirely different role in Milk. Without being the central character, he managed to stand out from the crowd and there are James Franco posters featuring him next to Sean Penn and the rest of the cast.

He came very close of winning an Academy Award for his role in 127, but as a young and promising actor, he will have more opportunities to win the coveted statue. Meanwhile, fans can wait for the faithful day while showcasing their passion through James Franco artwork.
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Dream, Live, Today - James Dean Quote Fine Art Print
Dream, Live, Today - James Dean Quote
16" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $38.99
Game of Fate Fine Art Print
Game of Fate
36" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $82.99
Leg XRoads Fine Art Print
Leg XRoads
36" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $82.99
Eternal Speedway Fine Art Print
Eternal Speedway
36" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $82.99
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