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Opera Posters

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Opera Art

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Even the best opera posters can’t capture the sound of music that brings these venues to life, but if you want to come as close as it gets to the real thing, is the place to go shopping. Music fans in general and those who cherish the classics will fondly remember the concerts attended and the artists who performed live. By simply looking at these prints, it is possible to get fully immersed into those memories and even hear the powerful voices of bass, tenors or sopranos.
There are two main directions that art lovers can pursue when shopping for opera prints and in both cases is a great starting point. The first option would be to focus on the opera art prints that revolve around famous buildings, where the best artists in the world performed over the centuries. Paris, Milan, Rome, Vienna and London are just a few of the European cities hosting great opera halls, which acted as a magnet for the virtuous singers. There are opera posters dedicated to each and every one of them, which makes it easy to set up a comprehensive collection.

The other direction worth pursuing has to do with famous operas, such as Madama Butterfly, Le Nozze de Figaro or Tosca, to name but a few. They kept the audience on the edge of their seats for decades and all of them are receiving the proper recognition through opera paintings. There are also several original opera posters that invited prospective customers to buy the tickets, which would look great decorating the walls of any home.
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