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Absinthe Posters

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Absinthe Art

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8 Items
The Absinthe Fine Art Print
The Absinthe
18" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $16.99
Absinthe Blanqui Fine Art Print
Absinthe Blanqui
19" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $50.99
Absinthe Blanqui Fine Art Print
Absinthe Blanqui
19" x 28"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $55.99
Maurin Quina Fine Art Print
Maurin Quina
16" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $38.99
Maurin Quina Fine Art Print
Maurin Quina
24" x 32"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $72.99
Absinthe Extra Superior Fine Art Print
Absinthe Extra Superior
16" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $38.99
Death In The Afternoon Fine Art Print
Death In The Afternoon
16" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $28.99
Absinthe Fine Art Print
12" x 16"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $22.99
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8 Items
For many years absinthe had been the preferred alcoholic beverage of artists throughout Europe. Prejudice and faulty conclusions led to its downfall, but in the late 20th century, it made a remarkable comeback and people all over the world can now enjoy it. After all these years, it keeps fascinating drinkers and nondrinkers alike, which reflects in the immense popularity of Absinthe art prints. The fact that the alcoholic beverage has been long associated to artists, dreamers and idealists is a strong explanation for its renewed popularity, but has its certain merit.
These paintings radiate authenticity and look like they are breathing history, which makes them a fine addition to any collection.

Those who have a keen eye for works of art and have already decorated their homes with paintings offered by Amedeo Modigliani, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec or Picasso will surely see the upside of purchasing some absinthe posters. They fit in brilliantly and enhance any existing collection, while creating a powerful impact on the audience even as a standalone item. The bottom line is that you don't need to have a formidable assembly of famous paintings to benefit from decorating your walls with one or two absinthe art prints.
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Cheers VI Fine Art Print
Cheers VI
12" x 12"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $21.99
Cheers III Fine Art Print
Cheers III
12" x 12"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $21.99
Cheers II Fine Art Print
Cheers II
12" x 12"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $21.99
Scotch Whisky Fine Art Print
Scotch Whisky
16" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $40.99
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