Popular Color Trends: The Meaning of Purple

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 20. June 2014 11:27

From art to apparel and home décor, purple is one of the most popular color trends in the modern world, but in the ancient world, purple was very rarely seen in nature, and thus became a prominent designation for royalty and wealth. Purple is the “most powerful visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy,” and the deeper meaning of purple corresponds to supernatural and cosmic energy. It is also the most difficult color for the human eye to perceive and distinguish from other colors, which adds to its mystical qualities.


From East to West, purple symbolizes magic, the sub-consciousness, and creativity. In Christianity, violet corresponds to Advent and Lent, and in Buddhism, amethyst is considered sacred to Buddha. In India, purple is associated with healing and luck, and in Egypt it means virtuous or faithful. Although there are nuances of meaning and shade, variations of the color purple are recognized as a powerful symbol of spirituality all over the world. In as far back as 25,000 B.C., purple was one of the first colors used by artists to create prehistoric art. Tyrian purple, also known as royal or imperial purple, was extracted from sea snails and used by ancient Phoenicians.


In contemporary culture, purple is connected to bravery (the Purple Heart), flowery language (Purple Speech) and even drug-induced states of consciousness (“Purple Haze”). From books like “The Color Purple” to songs like “Purple Rain,” the rich metaphorical meaning of purple continues to influence culture and creativity. In color therapy, purple is used to enhance energy, mindfulness, imagination, and meditative states.


If the color purple speaks to you, there are many art options available to highlight its cosmic energy in your home! For a light purple with a truly spiritual yet contemporary vibe, consider the “Elephant Yoga, Namaste Pose” print to adorn your walls. For a more traditional look that has an equally astral feel, the art print “From a Distance” features gorgeous, gradient hues of purple in a landscape scene that is both realistic and dreamy at the same time. For the dark, royal purple lover, “Violet Botanicals II” is a perfect choice. Find more art to feed your purple passion at Fulcrum Gallery!


Open Your Walls & Your Mind to Abstract Art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 12. June 2014 16:08


Abstract art is an exciting form of contemporary art that expresses independence and innovation. Popularized in the U.S. in the early 1900's by Pablo Picasso and other famous artists who challenged tradition, abstract art ranges in style from imagery that departs slightly from normal representation of objects and people to imagery that defies reality.

Often characterized by shapes, abstract art calls attention to lines and colors that evoke emotional responses and inner creativity. When viewing abstract art, the observer becomes involved on a personal (and often subconscious level) and is quite likely to see extremely varied scenes and images that just seem to pop-out.

Abstract art is said to mirror the ever-changing and highly technological aspects of post-modern society. On a very basic level, abstract art values the energy of subject matter over and above the physical form, which also complements new theories in Quantum Physics and even spirituality, from parallel dimensions to the practice of deep meditation.

In 2013, The North American Journal of Psychology published an article that explored the “Preference for Abstract Art According to Thinking Styles and Personality.” Researchers found that people who prefer abstract art over traditional art enjoy new things and are “particularly sensation seeking, open-minded, field-independent thinkers.” Those who preferred abstract art also showed a natural inclination toward abstract thinking and higher levels of enjoyment for new and unusual foods and music.


If you're open-minded and a free-thinker who doesn't believe everything is exactly how it seems, then abstract art is the ideal choice for home decoration to get your creative energy flowing. Consider the Four Meditations art print by Ian Scott Massie, which depicts gorgeous gradients of color and abstract windows that are sure to expand your senses. From reaching human arms to sea creatures, you're likely to find a myriad of images that speak to you over time with Peach Season 1 – Grande by Maureen Love, which highlights a minimalistic approach to create an earthy sort of inner chaos.

With uniquely modern hues, imprints of shapes, and the universal symbol of the circle, The Gathering Shore by Heather Ross would be an excellent abstract art statement piece for your living or dining room. For more examples of fine abstract art prints, visit Fulcrum Gallery online.

Golf Art For Father's Day

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 5. June 2014 12:21


Father’s day was first proclaimed in 1910, but it was not until 1972 that it became a nationwide holiday. If you’re celebrating Father’s day, the question of gifts often comes up. Ideas abound, but if you know the special man in your life is an avid golfer or an aspiring one, why not consider golf art? It will be the perfect sentiment for a day designated to express appreciation, love and gratitude. Golf art will grace his walls and he will be reminded of the gift giver (yes, that's you!) every time he looks at it. Consider these golf art for dad:


Golf Scene


A beautiful golf course, set on rolling plains, beside a lake perhaps. Or a postcard-perfect picture of ice-capped mountains in the far distance with manicured greens, framed by trees. A picturesque turf-meets-surf scene set in Hawaii or one on the hills? The truth is pictures of golf courses are not just beautiful to look at, they offer an escape---the go-to place when a little dreaming is needed, perhaps when work becomes demanding or life is too much.




Vintage Golf Scene

Perhaps your dad appreciates antiques and throwbacks to the good old days. He collects antique golf paraphernalia and enjoys learning more about the history of golf. If that’s the case, why not consider vintage golf pictures? It can be one with a light humor like Free Golf (with the caption “Play golf free while getting your suit pressed.") or a single picture of golf clubs and golf balls in sepia tone. Vintage golf pictures make for a classic collection that will withstand the whims of change and style.



Golf Word Art

Words are clever little things. They can make you laugh; cry, pine, wishful or they can inspire or take you to that special place in your heart that no one can go. Golf word art uses words to express golf sentiments, whether they are observations that ring true or just telling as it is. For instance, Karen Tribett Golf (Golf: Where you yell “fore,” shoot “six,” write “five.”) may strike a chord with golfers.




Golf Shots Series

Capture the many faces and stances of golfers with golf art. From a picture of concentration to one of anticipation as the ball tees off, the golf shots series capture the different moods and stances well from the Sand shot to The Drive to The Putt. Buy a series to create that visual effect – a gift so priceless, it will make your dad proud.

The Symbolism of Giraffes

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 29. May 2014 16:09


Images of giraffes have appeared in art throughout the history of art itself. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs expressed the giraffe as an "animal that, being so tall, sees before all other creatures. To foresee or foretell, in other words, is to see as a giraffe does.” Giraffes indeed have magnificent eyesight that goes further than any other mammal, even by scent or sound. Julius Caesar brought a giraffe from Alexandria to Rome in 46 BC, where it was considered an exotic creature, thought to be part camel and part leopard. Giraffes are also considered symbols for communication, intuition, and attaining the impossible.

From India to the United States, the symbol of vision associated with the giraffe is consistent throughout cultures and histories. Giraffes reach heights of eighteen feet with necks up to seven feet. The giraffe is extremely powerful and only vulnerable when it reaches it's neck down to drink water. Thus, the giraffe teaches us how to view the world in both practical and expansive ways.

In Native American culture, giraffes have evolved into powerful shamanic symbols
 and animal totems. It is said that each person has nine animal totems that guide the individual through life, coming and going depending on the life lessons and circumstances presented along his or her path. Animal totems “offer power and wisdom to the individual when they 'communicate' with it,” yet this process can occur without actually petting or spending time with the animal. It's more about being “open to learning its lessons.”

If the symbolism of a giraffe speaks to you, consider adorning your walls with giraffe art to evoke the connection you feel to its meaning. Some outstanding giraffe art prints include: Lone Giraffe by Kathleen Denis and From Where I Stand by Britt Hallowell, both of which express the symbolism of giraffes in a focused, earthy way, while the Serengeti Giraffe by Fischer Warnica offers a contemporary take on giraffes, and Exploring Nature by Joan Hanson reveals the vulnerable stance of the giraffe. For many more giraffe art print options, visit the Fulcrum Gallery online.


Finding the Right Father's Day Gift

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 27. May 2014 09:08


Father’s Day is one of the few days in the year that dad really gets to feel special. Make this special feeling last all year round by giving dad the gift of art! Father’s Day art is a gift that can be displayed on the wall no matter the season or holiday. It will be a constant reminder of how much you love and appreciate him every time he sees it.


Most fathers usually try to avoid sappy and emotional situations especially during holidays. Help dad avoid them by getting him Father’s Day wall art that is not too emotional. Father’s Day art is the perfect balance so your gift will truly be appreciated. You May Be the World by Veruca Salt is one of many inspirational art prints that will show your father how much you love him without being too sentimental.

Another way to try and avoid those emotional moments is by shopping in other categories your father would like. Our Father’s day categories vary from sports art, to men’s fashion art, to fatherhood art and so much more. No matter what your dad likes, you can find it here! Finding a gift for Father's Day is not supposed to be frustrating for you, so make it easier by shopping with us. We have something that every father will like!


http://www.fulcrumgallery.com/Aldo-Balding/Two-Gentlemen-in-Milan_207691.htm?sku=C207691-8CAAAMAEvery father has different interests and hobbies, that’s why finding gifts, especially for fathers, can be very challenging. Make gift shopping easy this Father's day by customizing your own gift so you know he will love it! If your father is not really a big fan of art, find his favorite photograph; send it to us with your frame or canvas choice and voila! You have just created a personalized masterpiece with us! It can be his favorite family photo, favorite childhood pet, or just a picture of you and dad. Giving dad’s favorite picture as a father’s day gift is perfect for all fathers, they can proudly display their family in their house for all to see. Giving the gift of art for Father's Day this year will remind you dad how loved and appreciated he is every time he sees it!

Animal Art: The Unique Lobster

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 22. May 2014 10:48



The unique lobster has been crawling around on earth for about 100-Million-Years! Lobsters are amazing animals with extremely weird characteristics: they have kidneys in their heads, teeth in their stomachs, brains in their throats, and they grow throughout their lifespan by shedding their shells! They also taste things with their claws and hear stuff with their legs. Lobsters live alone and love to hide on the ocean floor amidst sea flora and rocks. Like birds, they even navigate by sensing earth's magnetism!


Lobsters are also much more than just expensive food! During the Medieval and Renaissance periods, lobsters were pulverized and utilized as medicinal cures for epilepsy, kidney stones, and eye inflammation. Plus, lobsters are steeped in ancient symbolism that connects to transformation, longevity, protection, independence, and solitude. It is said that those who feel a strong connection to the lobster are adept at letting go of the outer world, focusing on the inner world, and experiencing a true sense of freedom from societal labels and restrictions.



 In ancient Greece “the lobster was generally esteemed sacred by the Greeks and was not eaten by them; if the people of Seriphos caught a lobster in their nets they put it back into the sea; if they found a dead one they buried it and mourned over it as over one of themselves.” Lobsters have also been a persistent symbol in animal art history, from adorning mosaic images on Roman floors to being showcased in Japanese paintings. Salvador Dali used lobsters many times in his Surrealist art.


If you feel drawn to the unique mystery of lobsters and want to connect with their powerful symbolism, consider lobster themed fine art for your home. For a rustic lobster look that expresses their function as revered food, the “Red Horse Signs Lobster” print is an excellent choice. For a more whimsical look that expresses the dynamic character of the lobster and its ocean environment, “Sydney Wright Ocean Lobster” will beautify and energize your walls in no time! If, however, you prefer a highly artistic take on the lobster and its connection to independence, the fine art print “Andy Warhol Lobster, c. 1982” says it all!

4 Talented Artists to Remember When Decorating a Nursery

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 15. May 2014 13:25

Whether it’s your first or your fifth, having a baby is a special time in a family’s life. There is typically much to do, including decorating a nursery. There are various ways to go about decorating a nursery. Some parents opt to go with a theme and others do not. If you hope to go with a theme for your baby’s nursery, the following artists’ prints may help further your efforts:



Francis D. Bedford

When it comes to decorating a nursery, artist Francis D. Bedford’s work would be perfect. Bedford spent part of his life creating charming illustrations that appeal to children. Among them are a whole series of illustrations devoted entirely to the world’s beloved, classic nursery rhymes. His framed illustrations also typically contain the nursery rhyme itself, which makes them suitable for toddlers and preschoolers’ rooms too.



Blanche Fisher Wright

Another children’s illustrator’s work to consider is Blanche Fisher Wright. Perhaps you received a reprint of her book, The Real Mother Goose, at your baby shower. Although it was published decades ago, it remains popular with parents today. Some of her illustrations from the book have been turned into framed art that could be added to a nursery or playroom’s wall.



Stephanie Marrott

For a more contemporary representation of classic nursery rhymes, we’d suggest looking at artist Stephanie Marrott’s collection of artwork. It includes colorful prints featuring the traditional rhymes' text and modern day graphics. In addition, she’s created non-nursery rhyme artwork too. Examples to consider are Goodnight Sweet PrincessButterfly KissesLucky BugThe Prince Sleeps Here and My Honey Bee.


Lila Rose Kennedy

Artist Lila Rose Kennedy is a wonderful artist as well. Her collection of work includes adorable, colorful pictures of things that most children adore. For example, if you are having a boy, her pictures titled Concrete MixerFire TruckTrainSoccer, and Moon Rocket may prove to be ideal choices. Her work also includes cute pictures of barnyard animals and butterflies too.

For a closer look at these and other artists whose work would be ideal for decorating a nursery, please contact one of our professional customer service representatives!

5 Reasons You Need Dog Art By Artist Stephen Fowler

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 8. May 2014 15:52

With nearly every breed of dog represented in some wayartist Stephen Fowler approaches pet art in a fun contemporary style. If you're a dog lover, you NEED a piece of this art for your home or office, here are five reasons why:











  1. Man's Best Friend - Pets bring many people a sense of responsibility, happiness, and connection to life. When we see pictures of dogs that remind us of our own beloved animal(s), those same feelings arise and bring a moment of meaningful interaction to the day. Man's best friend needs a place on your wall, whether you currently have a dog, want to, or used to.
  2. Color - Stephen Fowler brings a fresh look to his dog art with delightful colors and dynamic text and patterns. The colors in his works will help set the mood in whatever room it is placed.http://www.fulcrumgallery.com/Stephen-Fowler/Dachshund-Wine_688066.htm?sku=C688066-8CAAAMA
  3. Price - With prices starting at $9 and up for a print, these pieces of art are truly budget friendly.
  4. Size - Most of Stephen Fowler's dog art pieces are smaller in size (generally around 12"x12"), meaning you can surely find a nook or place to enjoy this work in your home or office.
  5. Conversation - The combined text and images on these artworks are sure to encourage some spontaneous conversation amongst your family and guests. Take pleasure in the discussions likely surrounding themes of pets past and present.http://www.fulcrumgallery.com/Stephen-Fowler/Pug-Flower-Co_723685.htm?sku=C723685-YCEAAMA







Fulcrum Gallery offers an assortment of Stephen Fowler art prints and many other great styles from similar artists too! Take a look at what our offerings can bring to your decorating style.

Frederick Remington was an early master of western art

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 1. May 2014 09:21


Frederick Remington is one of the most famous practitioners of western art of the past century and a half. Before motion pictures began to color our perceptions of the American West, his paintings, illustrations, and sculptures captured images of the western frontier, of cowboys, Indians, and cavalry troopers who populated the era he was born into and worked as an illustrator for Harper’s Weekly.

His focus was on people and animals, especially horses, of the American west, with the landscapes of secondary importance. Many of his oil pieces depict men on horseback moving at various speeds across the canvass, creating a sense of motion and energy that catches the eye and holds the attention.

Remington was just as adroit in executing bronze sculptures, the most famous of which was “The Bronco Buster,” which depicts a cowboy breaking a horse that is busily trying to unseat him.



Remington was born in 1861 in New York where he spent most of his childhood. After some failures at business and a rocky marriage he found his true calling working for Harper’s Weekly, a job that frequently took him to the American west in the 1880's and 1890's, executing some of his subjects from life. Unlike many artists, he was a shrewd businessman and a self promoter, something that redounded greatly to his success. He was an early champion of photoengraving process over wood engraving to reproduce visual art into magazine illustrations. He had an informal agreement with Harper’s Weekly for a first look at his art, but was free to sell it elsewhere.


Unfortunately Remington struggled with obesity all of his life. It eventually killed him in 1909 when he underwent an emergency appendectomy during which his girth complicated the procedure, resulting in peritonitis.

Over a century after his death, Remington remains an iconic artist/chronicler of the American west, capturing in his paintings and sculptures an era and a way of life, perhaps in some ways idealized, that is now long past.

Power Symbol & Animal Art: The Amazing Tiger

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 24. April 2014 15:23

From Asian and Indian to Native American culture, the tiger is a symbol for power, independence, vitality, unpredictability, healing, sensuality, aggression, and raw emotion. Tigers are solitary, stealthy, night hunters with extremely keen senses and patience who often wield the element of surprise on their prey.

http://www.fulcrumgallery.com/Lucie-Bilodeau/Eye-of-the-Tiger_474459.htm?sku=C474459-8CAAAMAIf the symbolism of tigers speaks to you, it denotes that you are capable of incredible passion, courage, and willpower in the face of the most difficult circumstances. Those with natural tiger energy are said to be skilled as sensitive body workers who can easily move vital energy in themselves and others. Tiger people are also noted both for their adventurous spirits and for creating sacred spaces to enjoy their precious alone time.Tiger cubs are born blind and stay that way for two years. In mythology, it is said that this blindness produces remarkable inner sight, which later enables them to tap into all of their abilities, including psychic and physical. Tiger eyes also have extraordinary sight in the dark.

In animal art, the tiger has been revered in prehistoric images all over the world. The tiger is one of the twelve signs in Chinese Astrology, where it is associated with feminine energies and the element of water, all of which are often depicted in fine art. In India, Shiva is one of the three most important deities in Hinduism. Shiva is associated with destruction, transformation, and transcendence, and he is often shown in the company of a tiger in Indian fine art.



While connecting with tiger energy directly in the modern world is not likely, it is easy to do through art. For tiger art that focuses on sight, Eye of the Tiger by Lucie Bilodeau is an excellent choice. For a more traditional take on the entire form and beauty of the amazing tiger, consider the Tigre Royal fine art print by Paul Jouve. And last but not least, if you prefer a contemporary, realistic style of art that depicts the three elements of aggression, inner power, and healing symbolism of the tiger, Nature's Kingdom – Tigers is an ideal choice. Fulcrum Art Gallery also offers many other art images for the tiger energy in you!



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